Feedback November/December 2024: Events Feedback

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Hokori, Nov 5, 2024.

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  1. mestamer67

    mestamer67 Padavan

    This is the most misleading patch I've ever seen in the 13 years I've been playing here. 32 runs from Sigri and 0 drops and I stopped because those who are good at doing quick calculations know how many keys it takes to farm about 25 shards of that boss that I miss. Furthermore, on floor 6, where I could drop about 3 fragments of different types every 6 runs in the ancestral event, now you don't drop 1. That is, you haven't increased any drops from normal bosses and you have decreased by 100% on the plans. There will not be a next time that I will be able to purchase the season passes and I remind you that this is the second time that many will not be able to finish this horrible shield quest. And the next time there will be this event ancestral, I'm closing the game until it ends and until you give me this useless shield which doesn't offer any advantages at all since the runes are of little value and you can't find the blood essences to buy them, snake charmers .
    tozagol likes this.
  2. Xxx72

    Xxx72 Forum Greenhorn

    And.......50 times Khalys blood=0 fragments. Wonderful!!!! Good correction!!!! Time to delete the game. Unfortunately I've been playing for 12 years
    tozagol likes this.
  3. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    I don't think so... @Muruburu
  4. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Hmmm Reading this. @mestamer67 used 320 Key of Prowess. @Xxx72 used 500 Key of Prowess. Between them they got zero parts for the Magical Dragon Crest quest.

    So really Bigpoint did nothing to improve the drop rate.
    tozagol likes this.
  5. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    was farming lvl 4 Ruins & averaging 1 drop per 2 runs but after maintenance now 0 drops
    tozagol likes this.
  6. Xxx72

    Xxx72 Forum Greenhorn

    the moderators deleted my both messages.I used today 1000 Key of Prowess and drop for me is 0 fragments.1000 Key of Prowess+3200 Realm fragment+1000 fragments of infernal passage=0 fragments Dragon Crest
    tozagol likes this.
  7. Kingman.

    Kingman. Forum Apprentice

    Just wasted 3,750 victory medals to buy the complete dragon crest to find it is unusable because the slot for it is locked :mad:
    tozagol likes this.
  8. Ennika

    Ennika Advanced

    You need to finish quest from Father Fidelis. Than you get TP to The End of Time map. After you kill strong bosses there, you unlock the Dragon Crest achievement.
  9. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    HI i just would like to know if this year there's gonna be an advent calendar like other years with codes and i don't mind if some of them arrives in summer, and if we are gonna have that event with gift in a cave that suddenly it doesn't work bit it's ok cos this is what DSO has to us used to it too lately...

    Thanks for reading...
    tozagol and Alpaca like this.
  10. chacho76

    chacho76 Forum Greenhorn

    Where are the increases in shield fragments that you mentioned? I still get zero. Apart from the fact that I get less cubes, less andermants and less gems and less jewels, you are scammers, now get another new rune to get the money that is the only thing you have done in a few years
    tozagol likes this.
  11. avalon41

    avalon41 Forum Greenhorn

    Why does the Dark Forces event not earn points in the mission part of the season pass as indicated????
    Kingman. likes this.
  12. Hugostatic

    Hugostatic Forum Apprentice

    sargon event is season quest not work ı go to 1 run 0/50
    tozagol, Alpaca and Kingman. like this.
  13. Kingman.

    Kingman. Forum Apprentice

    The same thing. I have wasted time and resources completing a run of Terrifying Shadows and still have 0/50 progress!
    tozagol and Alpaca like this.
  14. Kingman.

    Kingman. Forum Apprentice

    Thanks :)

    So basically i will be able to use it when i am strong enough to beat these "strong bosses" probably in 10 years or so :(
    tozagol and Alpaca like this.
  15. itaitai

    itaitai Forum Apprentice

    same here. 10 runs, 0 progress
    tozagol, Kingman. and Alpaca like this.
  16. Hugostatic

    Hugostatic Forum Apprentice

    Why is no one making a statement about the sargon event season quest?
    tozagol and Kingman. like this.
  17. Kingman.

    Kingman. Forum Apprentice

    Got the same question here. I am getting very annoyed about using up an expensive Terrifying Shadows chest and watching time drift away unable to do anything with 50 runs still remaining. When will anyone make any official statement on this situation???

    I am not going to waste my time doing an event that offers nothing i want just on the off-chance it may have been fixed. Will i get my chest refunded???
    tozagol likes this.
  18. Hugostatic

    Hugostatic Forum Apprentice

    I guess they won't make a statement sargon season quest not work :)
  19. Muruburu

    Muruburu Forum Apprentice

    Sargon quest will be fixed 12th December ;)
    But there's a code 3KEXP
  20. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    3KEXP gave me 30 x 100 in inventory
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2024
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