Old glory

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Afkaserious, Jan 17, 2025.

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  1. Afkaserious

    Afkaserious Advanced

    Does this cursed old glory drop only from chest or can drop from those bosses too ?
  2. Rectangular

    Rectangular Forum Greenhorn

    From the chest you can only get the ring and from the bosses only the cape
    salotr likes this.
  3. Afkaserious

    Afkaserious Advanced

    Are you sure? Im done this around 150 times and I only have 4 rings, so if each of them can drop a cape, then I've killed around 900 bosses and it still hasn't dropped? This is sick.
    salotr likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Welcome to DSO :)
    Talbor and salotr like this.
  5. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    Sometimes it can be frustrating to keep trying and getting nothing.
    In these situations, you can do nothing but keep trying.
    Perhaps it might be less unsatisfying to try once in a while so as not to get more disappointment.
    _Daenerys_ likes this.
  6. _Daenerys_

    _Daenerys_ Forum Greenhorn

    I burned almost all my resources and just won 1 set and the jewel. For my the event is done, just can start to save resources again and wait to the next one (btw i would like keep trying and i am aware that everybody is farming there). Patience and luck
    salotr likes this.
  7. Reputis

    Reputis Forum Greenhorn

    This is the third BGH event I've played, in which I've spent way too much time collecting resources (not money, since I'm 100% free player). I collected over 130 tickets in the Dragon Crest event. I've already spent over 80 of those tickets. My vacations are going down the drain. The vast majority (over 60) were done in bloodthirsty, and solo (imagine the time wasted). I have 5 new rings...and 0 capes.
    To keep trying would be to have the stubbornness of a donkey, or suffer from some obsessive compulsive psychosis, or worse, to have nothing in life beyond this game.
    I've already suffered from this sick BP mechanic, when I spent a couple of years looking for the essential Q7 set, only to have it removed the moment I got it...or the old Mortis bow...or the 1000-coin cape. ..and etc, etc etc.....
    This is a game, and it shouldn't be frustrating, it should be fun, which is rarely the case anymore.
    If we admit that there are things that are disappointing, then the most rudimentary logic dictates that we don't repeat the mistakes, and look for other things that are more satisfying.
    Or instead we act like the monkey who wants to catch the fruit from the bottom of the jar, and by not wanting to open his hand to release it, he gets trapped.....
    I will give the game a little more time, in gratitude for years of....fun.....let's say, and in any case I will have to admit that everything comes to an end, otherwise I should go see a psychiatrist. ...
    Translated by Google
    Talbor, FAALHAAS and salotr like this.
  8. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    The consumption of resources and especially time are aspects that must be considered and the two of you as well as others have just demonstrated this.
    These are the reasons why, in my opinion, it's better to give it a try every now and then, without taking it too seriously.
  9. KATT

    KATT Forum Apprentice


    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

  11. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

  12. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    Their RNG system really sucks on this game. It's bs that one person can get it on the first run yet the majority it'll take 100's of runs & still likely to not get it. It's just like that anniversary weapon on a once-a-year event.

    I try to play without getting my expectations up, but it comes to a point where that's hard because you NEED the piece(s) to improve your character further.
    salotr likes this.
  13. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    I'm not interested in the old glory items, so I don't have the problem of finding these much desired items. but are you sure that it is worth fighting bosses who are immune to your skills, to what you worked so hard to have. bosses that make fun of your fighting power...but then once you got these items, will you be stronger towards these bosses? What's the point of wasting time and resources to be like before against this immune bosses?
    salotr likes this.
  14. _Daenerys_

    _Daenerys_ Forum Greenhorn

    @EmilyRose, the spot is no need to come back again to bgh arena. Are us talking about the same set, right..?
    salotr likes this.
  15. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    That is the best way to play, without having any expectations, because disappointment is always there waiting.
  16. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    the question is: after I got the set, can I go to mortis and kill him without returning to level one when I only had one skill to hit?
    What was the point of reached the level 100 if all the skills I acquired are useless for these bosses?
    Are you surprised that I'm not interested in the set?
    The set doesn't change my character against mortis, as a spellweaver I prefer the Dragan set.
    In my opinion, if I have to spend resources and time against a boss to get a set, it's because it will then be easier for me to kill him with that set.
    salotr likes this.
  17. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    I would really like the developers to answer these questions.
    Sincere answers and not vague or elusive.
    EmilyRose likes this.
  18. Reputis

    Reputis Forum Greenhorn

    We agree on that.
    But it turns out that the game has two modes: PvP and PvE.
    As a spellcaster you will have noticed the impact of the set on the game. And I'm not even mentioning if you were a mechanic.
    Hence the importance it has in the game, as Q7 was for the ranger at the time.
    If you don't have the possibility to improve in PvP, you're left with endlessly exploring boring maps, or playing boring, repetitive, and ridiculously expensive events... as they often do.
    salotr likes this.
  19. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    Pvp died in this game when they introduced in pvp enchantments on items and gems again..
    They promised us equal pvp, with appropriate items that everyone could get.
    I don't think it's fair that those who can get a competitive set should be stronger than those who are persecuted by a bad random.
    I stopped with pvp and I'm sorry because as you say there is pve and pvp in this game. For example, now that I've finished all the events in the game I could dedicate myself to pvp, but today I only logged in.
    I don't enjoy fighting with my golden armor against those who only wear a habit ;)
    salotr likes this.
  20. Afkaserious

    Afkaserious Advanced

    So the event is almost over, did you drop that coat? I did another 50-70 runs, but I got... ANOTHER ring, so in total I exceeded 200 runs and finally I got 5x ring. Great, now I have to wait another year for the next event. I'm taking a break from this game, I don't have anything else to do, the only thing I'm missing is the BGH coat, so if you haven't dropped it yet, good luck, and if you already have it, congratulations