Pay to win

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by FrozenHobo, Feb 9, 2015.

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  1. FrozenHobo

    FrozenHobo Forum Greenhorn

    Uninstalling immediately after noticing this. For me the whole idea in these "diablo" kind of games is the loot and the better the loot system is the more unpredictable it is and and the possibility of hitting a jackpot keeps me going. With this kind of game where you´re supposed to feel like paying for gear it´s obvious the loot system is based around that and not the playing experience. I´d pay for that real gaming experience but not for this kind of cheap pay to win gaming where instead of feeling like being an warrior or whatever I´d feel like an adventuring credit card. I see where this gaming industry is going and I feel it´s sad. Have people changed from enjoying the "wow what did I just found!" to looking for the "wow what did I just click in to my shopping basket!" feel? Well everybody has their opinion and I think this is just so horrible that I want to share mine.
    Hope you guys get something worth for your money though :)

    Bye bye bigpoint

    Nei and GroovieGimp like this.
  2. vixmax

    vixmax Someday Author

    I don't understand this rant. if you're referring to purchasing gear to "win", all of the vendor gear is average at best. money gets spent to improve gear you find with gems and gemslots and level faster with buffs and essences (to find better gear).. if this is your objection, fine. but the actual mechanics of obtaining gear costs nothing, and has very much improved over time. In fact, you have to find your gear.

    I believe dso is finding a pretty nice balance for this game in that it's enjoyable to play either with money or without, and you need never spend a dime to become an excellent player/character; but the spending of money will save you time.

    sorry, I get tired of reading anti-bigpoint tirades. it makes no sense to me. if you like a game, play it. if at some point, you don't like it, don't play it. if paying money for something you enjoy pains you, or if you can't afford to pay money to play a game but wish you could, well, that's life. it doesn't make bigpoint an evil empire, or horrible people, or even greedy.

    tired, this wasn't directed at you per se Hobo, just at the mass of posts with this tone I've read over the years.
  3. SiL3nT_OnE

    SiL3nT_OnE Forum Apprentice

    LoL i agree with @vixmax, i've been playing this game a year ago and i had lvl 30 DK with all legendary and all possible unqiues for those levels but i was without CoT,so i quit until DSO solved that problem. Now im fully enjoying the game,i noticed that drop rate increased and the game is pretty balanced.They just need to do some hotfixes but im sure that's going to be done soon. You don't even need to be P2P to have some of shiny items,becouse for a week you can farm almost 5k andermant and its pretty OP.
    Some things are still expensive and buayable only with the money,but wait? You expect this kind of game to be free?I dont think any of us would make this game free if he/she was on the lead place of DSO.
    Knightofyourlife and DocWhisky like this.
  4. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    Very well said Vix. Very well said indeed.
    Bigpoint is a business. In all good sense, NO ONE can build a successful business around the idea of spending money but not making money.
    Are there things in the game I would like to see different?? Of course there is! But if there was no advantage for the spenders, whether that advantage is real or not, then there would be no reason for them to spend money on the game.
    Simply put...

    Thanks, Doc.
    ForestMaiden and jthames like this.
  5. -DeathsRevenge-

    -DeathsRevenge- Advanced

    Out of the titel "pay to win" I agree.
    This is basically cause of the new royal gems + the Jester gems. "saving time" ain't the word there when it comes to paying, cause I like to see a free-player farming 5x royal offensive gems. :) Sure they had a reason for it. Not only did it bring the DSO devs more money cause some players are mentally damaged and would do all they can "trying" to be better then some players they don't like. (seriously guys royal gems? You must be mentally damaged or extremely rich, but cmon) :p

    To Doc. I agree no money, no game, but there are other options to make players pay without making it "pay to win".

    Just writing out from the titel, cause yes DSO is pay to win, but sure you can find it enjoyable without spending any money.
    markomiljanov likes this.
  6. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Ok I have an idea to make the game total free. Might not work but a really good idea.

    TV shows spend a ton of money to be made. TV uses commercials to make a profit. Wonder how many people would like to watch a commercial ever 15 mins of play. just 5 mins or less whole sever wide so if your doing sigris ect he just pauses for everyone to watch a commercial. Works wonders for TV.
  7. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Long as I can Tivo it and Fast forward.

    Nice post Vix.
    _Baragain_ and Jettemee like this.
  8. loudmute

    loudmute Someday Author

    The problem is grind that is why it is pay to win. Although its true it possible to make a good character without spending any money and vice versa (spending money), its not possible to build a high end character for the following reasons:

    1. the grind/loot/craft system is based on luck - spending hours finding gears will not guarantee the reward. junk is junk.
    2. the flaw in the DSO world system e.g. lvl 30 gear does not mean you will be able to fight lvl 30 monsters easily. In fact upgrading to lvl 50 gears does not guarantee you will be able to fight in the end game monsters. junk is junk.
    3. gems and esse (temporal dmg boost), although it possible to farm it is not realistically to farm. the drop rate of offensive gems are like legendary while farming esse to kill monsters which potentially drops junk is again is waste of time. These 2 items are therefore pay to win items.
    4. Exponential values in gems

    DSO was designed in a world where grind is necessary but not promoted takes out the incentives in alot of players.

    If BP makes grind fun i.e promotes grind through some sort of build up system where players can have some control or reward in all the grind. Promoting a trade system is one way. Lower costs of crafting etc. heaps of ways I think.
  9. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    If any mmorpg ever makes a decent reward system for the grind ...... way too much to wish for... but it is nice to dream about.

    I have to admit that I'm a touched confused on the whole "pay to win" thing though... Exactly what is there to win by playing this game ???? Lord knows it isn't the respect of random strangers on the internet, so what is it?

    I paid the premium and bought plenty of gems the first nine months that I played this game (until the grinding became too much) and never won anything from BP... If there is a prize section, someone needs to do a better job of promoting it :p
    Knightofyourlife likes this.
  10. Knightofyourlife

    Knightofyourlife Someday Author

    If you spend money on a game, You hope you will get some thing for it. f2p gets more from this game than p2w who in a lot of cases feel as though they wasted there money.
    If you play against a p2w and out shine them as a f2p, Is there not more of a rush?
    Drops are low in drakensang. So when you find a good item Is there not more of a rush than in games where they drop all over the place?

    I agree with you on one point though, 'player trade'
    This game desperately needs player to player trade added
    before the lack of this essential mmorpg element kills the game.

    Not a single one of my friends will even entertain the idea of giving this game at least a try until player to player trade is added (That is a lot of people).

    I really would not like to see click on player to show offers in inventory because it detracts from the game and is open to abuse.

    The way trade should be added to this game is with an auction house,
    One of the daily tasks could be some thing like craft 6 item for a trade token or kill 300 monsters for a trade token.
    Additional trade tokens cost anderment.
    The trade token transports you to an instance where the player can add items in the auction.
    Any player can make an offer from say kingshill on any of the lots and the player that put a lot up can accept or reject any offers made. each player could have one auction stash.
    Items on offer go in there and can not be removed until the action has finessed.

    Question to you, if player trade was added would that in your eyes make a difference?
    and how much of a difference would it make?
  11. jmpessanha

    jmpessanha Active Author

    Drakensang is free to play, however completely pay-to-win. Who invests money, WINS. The game only uses term "free-to-play", but for that you get playing nicely and avoid a constant stress, it is necessary to spend real money.

    In fact, it's all a camouflaged capitalist strategy, the game encourages players to spend real money by imposing absurd difficulties to these players. The "grinding" game for example, is torturous.

    This is my opinion.
  12. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    More accurately, Drakensang is invest to win, not pay to win. It takes time, money, or some combination of the two.

    "Pay to win" is what criminals do, to fix a game, so they can profit. And rather than take the logic too far, winning is not a sign, or guarantee, of cheating or unfairness.

    DSO gives everyone lots of opportunities to throw money at their situation, but no guarantee of success is anywhere in the terms and conditions. Players are given the opportunity to buy stuff, that doesn't work the way they hope. They can screw up their play in so many ways. Good gear will not cure no skill, or ignorant-to-the-bone choices; it just hides the solutions, or makes good conversation.

    It's a real pleasure to see people who bought their toon, and then still get their behinds kicked in PvP. LMAO

    The reverse snobs, who praise frugality and deprivation, make interesting rhetoric and claims to fame. But would anyone really neglect managing their resources effectively, if they could?
  13. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Free games are almost always more expensive to play than subscription games... no secret there.

    Money can't eliminate the mind numbing grind and it certainly doesn't help with the lousy drops and crafting.

    I would personally love to have a reason to pay right now, but as I only have mindless grinding to do, I don't have a reason to pay. The drops (despite the increase) have made no different in terms of getting useful gear. Now if DSO actually made it possible to get or craft good gear, I would be among the first to sign up for premium and be buying gems on a regular basis.

    However, I am convinced that the ultimate goal is to create more and more grinding and that sadly has me playing less and less each week and completely took away my desire to spend money.
    jmpessanha likes this.
  14. loudmute

    loudmute Someday Author

    DSO is all about gear. There is very little skills involved because the only thing that changes the stats are gears. Most players give up because they couldn't find good items or takes too much grind to increase their toons for a small amount. Promoting grind means to give the players more incentives/rewards/fun to grind so that players keep playing such as making higher ander drop, red and pink esse drop, higher gem drop rate, higher melting values, more useful gears. Having a trade system would complete change the game and makes heaps of difference because that means all resources or gears can be shared among the players that is why DSO is unlikely to implement or will implement with high restrictions.
  15. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    It would break the game in my eyes. In many ways not having a trade system makes the game different enough to be interesting. I don't have to read spam after spam in the chat encouraging me to buy something. I don't have to be concerned that someone is going to stiff me because I'm new and not yet saavy. I live in a capitalist society in the Real World. It is nice to play a game where I don't have to buy things if I don't want to.

    I don't think it is camouflaged at all! BP is a company. They need to make money to continue to provide entertainment for the masses and to put dinner on their own table. Personally I thank those people who put a lot of money into the game. It means that I don't have to pay to keep playing.

    I play this game because it relaxes me. It takes me away to a place where I can escape all the problems of the Real World and interact (or not, if I feel like going solo) with people from all walks of life. I can take out my day's frustration by walloping a tough monster or clearing a dungeon. I can get lost in trying to decide what items to keep, what to sell and what to melt. I can wander around in a town or empty dungeon just to enjoy the artwork. When the game no longer brings me at least some modicum of happiness is when I'll stop playing. Until then, I'll enjoy it for all it brings me, whether I opt to pay for some of it or not.
    vixmax, awaroa, BigPapa and 1 other person like this.
  16. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    forget trading that would ruin the point of finding would become a matter of wh has the most friends.
  17. kama5utra

    kama5utra Someday Author

    trading is a very bad idea ... i like dso exactly because there is no trading. If you want something then pls go farm
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Of course it is pay to win.
  19. Casseiopia

    Casseiopia Forum Apprentice

    Excellent point Rhy! "Pay to win" has always been a misnomer as it is a metaphor for competition when there is nothing to win or beat. Video game competiton is for the gamer to acquire goods & services while being resisted (the grind) in a digital enviironment created by the developers presenting algorythms that are designed to be executed by keyboard & mouse, gamepad or app. When the player accomplishes the execution it is more designed achievement than "winning" or "beating". A more desciptive cliche' is "Pay to earn."
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2015
    BigPapa likes this.
  20. kama5utra

    kama5utra Someday Author

    ill admit paying makes things easier but anyone can have a decent char as a f2p too. In this regard considering other games i have played DSO is way way more balanced
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