Petition for Drakensang online team to release classic (40 lvl) server

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Forjado, Jan 22, 2020.

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  1. Forjado

    Forjado Forum Greenhorn

    Good morning Drakensang online players , as some of you will know and others have not been able to experience, the game has undergone many changes since the beginning of its servers.

    One day surfing by the Internet I found a page of EDIT where signatures were collected to ask the Bigpoint team if they can add a server to the game, where the maximum character level is 40, with the old content of the game, the same system of pvp, unique objects ,obtain, legendary and unlock them by crystals of truth, basically the same game that we fell in love with those that we started to play and that little by little has changed the game, we have moved away .

    I will add a link in case someone is interested in signing, thank you very much everyone for reading the post and if someone is interested, pleasetell your friends or fellow clan, the more people know, it will be easier to collect signatures and have the team of developers raise if it is a good idea or not to reopen these servers.

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    Last edited by moderator: Jan 22, 2020
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Hello @Forjado and welcome to DSO English forum.
    Please search already existing threads before starting a new one.

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