Play in the browser?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by june3, Sep 29, 2014.

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  1. june3

    june3 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, sorry if this is a dumb question but I had read that you could play this game in your browser and now that I signed up it looks like you can only download it. Am I just missing something, got the wrong info, or?
  2. Slitrobo

    Slitrobo Forum Connoisseur

    When you logged in and before you got to this forum you should have seen a page with news and how to order andermant. At the top is a button that says "Play Now" that will let you play through the browser.
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    As Slitrobo said:

    Go to this location
    you should log in at this screen:

    Since you have created account you should use the right form.
    Then you should hit "play now" button


    And if you don't have Java plugin for browser ... you must download it and install it.
    Download it here.
    when Java ask you about lunching the game select "always trust this site" (or whatever it says).
  4. june3

    june3 Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks for the replies, but that button doesn't say "play now" in my browser, it says "download game". (Which I have done, I'm going to try playing through the client anyway.)

    I don't know if Java would affect the actual existence of the "play now" button, but I forgot if I have Java installed or not so I will check!

    ETA: I checked it and I do have Java installed & updated... any clues why it won't let me play in the browser then?
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2014
    GarnetMMX likes this.
  5. DesertKoala

    DesertKoala Forum Pro

    If you use Chrome, you can have the browser icon appear in the Apps section. You can add the Drakensang launcher for your browser by searching the Chrome App Store. I find I have a ton more 'control' using a browser versus the native DSO Application. That's how I play. Your mileage may vary.
  6. june3

    june3 Forum Greenhorn

    I don't use Chrome so I don't really understand, but thank you anyway for the reply! (I use Firefox and Safari.) I still only have a "download game" button and no "play now" button, but the downloaded game client works, at least.
    GarnetMMX likes this.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Can you provide a screenshot?
    See if your Java settings are preventing you to play in browser.

    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
  8. june3

    june3 Forum Greenhorn

    On the 2nd screenshot you posted earlier where it shows where to find the "play now" button, that exact same button instead says "download game" on mine. There's also no "download game and play without Java" box on the left side as there is in your screenshot, and no "select server" box, there's only the "refill Andermant" and "forum" link boxes there for me. When I click the "download game" button, it takes me straight to the download page, no options for browser there either.
    I went to another website that requires Java and checked that the Java is working, which it is, so the "allow and remember" pop-up should have shown up on here as well if there was anything that prompted it. There just hasn't been any Java request. I also went and disabled my few Firefox add-ons for this site (Adblock and Flashblock) but nothing changed, so I guess that's not the problem, either. I went into the Java plugin settings but everything seemed normal, and again, it works fine on other sites.
    GarnetMMX likes this.
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Are you using Windows OS?
    If you are using one of "bitten Apple" devices ... then you can only play in client for MAC.
  10. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    I had a situation about this. I'm not sure whether it will help but i'll tell anyways. I have two laptops, one with windows 7 and one with windows 8. On the one with windows 7 i get the normal screen with the play now button. But on the one with windows 8 i have the same problem as @june3 . I'm not sure how or why, just these facts. They have the same version of java as far as i can tell, same version of firefox etc. But it's true what june3 says, on some pc's you can only download the client. I can't help you any further though, since DSO runs fine on my windows 7 pc, i didnt really bother looking into it. Besides, i play mostly with the thinclient anyways.
  11. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I've had the same issue with attempting to play in browser..

    I do get the "play now" button.


    However, when I click on that, it takes me to the download button.

  12. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    exactly, thnx for the pics.
  13. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Stupid question... do you have Java installed?
  14. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Maybe an obvious question, but not stupid. The game does need Java to run. When I have played from a PC that did not have Java I was prompted to install Java after I pressed the "Play Now" button. Perhaps this prompting is being blocked as a pop-up, or something like that?

    Make sure to check in the typical places where things are blocked on your browser. In Chrome, I believe an icon will display at the far right in your address bar. Other browsers may be different. Good luck.
  15. CMGryphonL

    CMGryphonL Forum Greenhorn

    I actually have the same problem and it happened after the 136 release. Been using Waterfox ever since I started playing six months ago and never had a problem. Java is up to date, no pop-up blocker on, allowing Java deployment kit, etc. Of course I downloaded the client so I could play, but would much rather go through the browser. Is there anyone that could provide some assistance please?

    Thanks and have a great one!
  16. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I have java open and pop ups allowed. This change happened a few updates ago (don't remember which, but it was roughly when you could pre-load client). Ever since I have not been able to play in browser.
  17. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Hmm, well then, I don't have any other ideas :confused:
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Tried in different browsers?
  19. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Java versions don't always sync updates for different browsers. You may have to wait a few days to get all the programs on the same set of software.
    Or maybe it's something entirely different. Hope you find something that works.
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    OK, i play on Grimmag server ... and I haven't been to other servers since my recent fresh Windows installation.
    I went to: Heredur, Agathon, Tegan, Balor ... just to give Java permission to run on those servers ... so i wouldn't bother with it later on.
    I was using Chrome and every time i had to give permission this screen kept appearing:

    After I have selected "always allow plugins...." option and pressing "Done" button ... the game loaded immediately.

    But I forgot to do the same with Werian. So I have started my browser again ... but instead of Chrome i have started Firefox by mistake.
    And weird thing happened with Firefox on Werian ... I got this screen:

    with .exe file pop up. I hit cancel and returned to home page by clicking back arrow in the browser. Then i have hit "Play now" button again ... and this time the game loaded immediately. o_Oo_O

    BTW ... I noticed a funny thing on this screen. in System requirements there are OS's Windows XP and Vista7 ... and I have never heard of such OS Vista7. :D:D
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