Suggestion Put the game content & settings out of the TEMP folder

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by ManaThief, Jan 2, 2021.

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  1. I agree

    9 vote(s)
  2. I disagree

    1 vote(s)
  1. ManaThief

    ManaThief Advanced


    I would like to suggest placing the game content including users' settings outside of the temp folder, ideally in a folder with the game installation. Also, users' settings should be put separately. Every update, the necessary folders would be automatically cleared (just like now), but not the settings.

    It is a bad practice to put such files into the temp, as this folder may be cleared quite often and the data are lost unreasonably, especially when using decent antivirus or cleaner.

    Also, I would suggest putting some "Clear downloaded content" and "Clear settings" buttons into the client, so it does not have to be done manually.
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Yes, please. I know it's probably a relic of the days when this was a browser game, but it is seriously annoying that a wee bit of computer maintenance and then I have to go and redo all my keybinds once more.
  3. ViktorG75

    ViktorG75 Active Author

    What percentage of Dracania is in the TEMP directory?
  4. ManaThief

    ManaThief Advanced

    Technically, all of it, the installation directory contains only client and libraries, but the content is downloaded in runtime - into temp.