pvp is dead?

Discussion in 'PvP Players Wanted' started by mohamed4568, Sep 10, 2021.

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  1. mohamed4568

    mohamed4568 Forum Greenhorn

    hi guys i think the new pvp system is silly why i cant find damn single 1v1 match
    pvp Is the only reason I love to play this game so pls do somthing
    Akariious likes this.
  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Old Hand

    it died long time ago. God saves the pvp
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2021
    Akariious and tozagol like this.
  3. mark-kim-8888

    mark-kim-8888 Regular

    The game is dead...and you're talking about pvp...Server Grimmage is still holding on...the rest are dead
    Lambrusco, Akariious and tozagol like this.
  4. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    You are just now noticing PVP is dead. It has been dying a slow death since 155r years ago when bigpoint started messing with the wisdom and skill trees.
    MagicProtection and DocWhisky like this.
  5. Marius.

    Marius. Forum Greenhorn

    shame to be all balancing in the arena archers can delete accounts to remain only warriors magi and dwarves as and so you broke the whole game to give you advice not worth learning to play with all classes not just with mages or with warriors
  6. Xequarth

    Xequarth Forum Apprentice

    i'm a new player but even i can see pvp is not doin' so well.