Quest Bug Roll Back

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Voldemort, Sep 11, 2014.

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  1. Voldemort

    Voldemort Junior Expert

    Heroes of Dracania,

    Here is the current status of our issue;

    What Happened

    after the sync for release 134 we recognized 2 issues:
    · Players are able to open closed/finished PVP quests again
    · Open and finish quests are deleted

    What will happen

    We need to make a QUEST-roll back to the last saved quest status.
    ONLY the quest state of ONLY affected users is going to be touched. That means:
    Players who lost their quests (which affected that they could repeat the closed/finish quests) are affected.

    What happens to the quest rewards that they already received?

    First we need to make a cleanup for the players, this is our top priority at this moment. This will be tackled directly after did the cleanup.

    Shall the affected players still continue with solving quests or shall they stop?

    Players should do everything as usual. The bug that caused this problem is fixed but it might be that due to the roll back they could lose the quests that they are playing now.

    When we will do the quest-roll back?

    We are currently do some tests and are preparing the quest-rollback, so we aim to do this as soon as possible. You will get informed in time.

    Your Drakensang Online Team
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