quest problem from disaster to master 5/9

Discussion in 'Quests' started by SUPERDOUPER, May 8, 2020.

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    SUPERDOUPER Junior Expert

    it looks like quest from disaster to master 5/9 is bugged , im not getting items i need to finnish it , i tried on different diffuclties and after countless runs still not single quest item
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Just want to confirm that you know there are level requirements at each step of the quest path? You can't do 5/9 unless you're already experience level 40.

    SUPERDOUPER Junior Expert

    yes i know im level 55, i tried from painful till inf 3 but didnt get single quest item
  4. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Shoot! That was my only suggestion. I've completed the series of quests with only two toons; I think they were both already at Lvll55 as well, and I didn't run into any problems with drop rates. But that could simply be the difference in our random luck.

    Perhaps someone else who's been through that questline recently will chime in.

    Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Good luck!
  5. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Try dropping the quest and then re-accepting it.

    Note, any items you already have for the quest you will need to "drop" as well. Only items you pick up after getting the quest count and if you lost the quest before and have old instance items, then you may not get enough items to complete it.

    Drop the quest, get rid of any Lava Hound heads, Vortex heads, Snare Plant tendrils, and Zorlobb shells.

    Then take the quest again. Collect all the amounts of the 4 parts (1, 1, 5, 8), then go to the workbench and combine them. Then turn in the protection suit and quest.
  6. selvanna

    selvanna Forum Greenhorn

    After two days of trying to finish the mission, no part of the mission fell
    map:mount Suvius 0 Drop
    map:spawning ground 0 Drop
    map: temple sector 0 Drop
  7. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    What difficulty are you playing at?
  8. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    I finished this quest with two alt-toons on Tegan this past week. No more than two runs per map (usually only 1 run per each of the four maps involved). Ran it on Painful.

    Have you tried the trick of dropping the quest, logging out, logging back in and taking the quest again from the NPC?
  9. selvanna

    selvanna Forum Greenhorn

    i try difficulty Painful solo , infernal 1 and infernal 3 with Friend
    yes try dropping the quest and take it again but no any drop

    i will try with this new update
  10. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    try again and again and again ... those items are not dropping often.
  11. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Not to brag but to point out yet again how much variance there is in the RNG outcomes on DSO: I ran another toon through the quest the day before. No item required even one complete run of the target dungeon. The entire quest took about 30-45 minutes.

    I play mainly on Grimmag, but also am casually re-invigorating a few toons on Tegan, so have had success with this quest in the last week on both of those servers.
  12. gwendoriel

    gwendoriel Forum Greenhorn

    I ran all 4 dungeons today (4th July). 3 dungeons dropped in less than a full run, but the vortex head didn't drop at all after two full runs on painful. Something seems to be wrong.... or, at least, very inconsistent.... OK, I tried again, and picked it up on the third run.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020