Feedback Release 198

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Sep 18, 2017.

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  1. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    At Medusa sometimes i take massive damage from something i don't see, my teamate as well.
    I am a tank so i can endure it, but my friend can't. Is someone experiencing this problem? At the last rel i had this problem at q7 where i couldn't see him casting his spell.
  2. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    Probably you are experiencing the same issue described here

    You could have used the "search" function and have added something to the correct topic, maybe with a video which is more explicative than ten thousand words.
  3. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    I want to suggest one thing, an in-game info in the window of "Upgrade item" and Workbench. It would display base values and numbers of all needed cores if I upgrade or craft it to a given tier. Some event uniques are not like PW uniques showing on the entry note.

  4. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Also, the new indicators for altars in the minimap are useless, what is the point of being to see them only when you are near?
    And why only for the essence altars? why not extend this feature for the books and the random altar?

    And, it's still not convenient to use essence altar, the effect should last 10 minutes at least
  5. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Considering your recent Premiumday event, don't you think it's about time you introduce a time indicator ingame?
    I mean... People had to convert the time so that they could match their time with the offer's timetable.
  6. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    And even worse was that it wasn't the normal time of the main server. The Premium Day started 3 hours after the "normal day" started. That made it even more difficult, as you had to remember which offset to use.
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