Rohirrim, Agathon (US East), PvE/BossKill/Dungeoneering.

Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by Sklish, Feb 2, 2025.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. Sklish

    Sklish Forum Greenhorn

    Looking for players who favor PvE and co-op/group play over PvP. To join, find LillyKillikutty in-game (in KingsHill between dungeons many times daily, easy to find), reply here and we'll arrange a time/locale, or join Drakensang Rohirrim on Facebook. This guild is just started, interested parties who are willing to send out invites (a little work) will be promoted immediately. Any class/level, Mentors and Noobs.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2025