Announcement Season Pass has begun!

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Hokori, Nov 19, 2024.

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  1. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Heroes of Dracania!

    The Season Pass: Season I has begun!

    Date: 19.11.2024 to 31.01.2025
    You can now see the Season Pass icon on the top-right corner of the game.
    The new Season Coins are for exchanging exclusive rewards at King Harold

    Devs FAQ:

    Q: Why Season Pass is out when the progress bar of Ancestral Ruins and the world bosses drop of Dragon Crest parts are not fixed?

    A:The three new content: Ancestral Ruins, Dragon Crest, and Season Pass have relatively long event duration, we designed it so that players need to invest a corresponding amount of time to complete it. The event lasts for nearly 3 months, players will definitely have enough time to finish all the tasks by 31st Jan 2025, and the current issue related to Ancestral Ruins and Dragon Crests will not affect the Season Pass, and it will be fixed on Thursday 21.11.2024.

    Q: Players are unhappy about the Ancestral Ruins progress bar requirement. Now it cost too much Challenge Passes to complete the whole bar.

    A: We are finding the possible way to make it more balanced. However, we want to remind players that based on our game design, there are tons of rewards from Ancestral Ruins itself. The progress bar is consider a bonus rewards for players. We were focusing on adding more value to the Ancestral Ruin's drop rewards during the design.

    Recent Bugs:

    • The disappearing of Golden Goose and Dragon Egg Fossil (after storing it to the storage and click on it.) The only way to get it back is to contact our Support. We will manually verify your inventory history and return the loss items to you.
    • The disappearing of The Forgotten Challenge Pass Package will return to players after the next update. You don't need to contact Support anymore. Thank you.
    Your Drakensang Online Team.

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