So when does S.M. get the rest of the artifact gear in game?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by multitoonz, Mar 10, 2014.

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  1. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Seriously now, go into Hognis. lvl 30+ artifact gear for DK, SW and Ranger and nothing for Dwarf. You put this class into game DSO, so why the heck didn't you have it completed before you put it in game? Artifact gear sale, yeah for who? Lvl 1 to 15 dwarf and lvl 43 + dwarf it seems. You took a year to make the dwarf and didn't make everything else that went with it? Really DSO? See it only shows a complete development team fail.
    And before someone pipes in with "Why would you buy Artifact gear anyway, that's just stupid", don't waste your breath. The gear should be in game and it has never been in game. If you want to make 4 classes balanced then finish the dwarf class too DSO.
  2. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    Dwarves are short.........................................................on items :D

    Anyway, i sometimes wonder myself if the reason for lack of notified uniques of Dwarves is because it is meant to be a surprise for us when we get a drop, or it is an incompletion. I've been waiting for someone to post the stats of Khalys/Mortis weapon, until then, i dont bother to do any of them.
    The new 120 patch came out with a new shield for SM in mortis makes me think this is an incompletion instead

    P/S: DSO, please at least give an announcement of what uniques are available, so we dont waste time looking for it.
    multitoonz likes this.
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