soul abyss eye nahuatlan not dropping

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by god47ak, Mar 27, 2020.

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  1. god47ak

    god47ak Junior Expert

    look bp devs.i plus a lot of other players have been struggling to farm
    the quest item soul abyss eye from the arisen temple mummies
    in nahuatlan for hours and hours now.and the bloody item just don't please do somthing about the droprate for this quest item.
    we are in the midst of an pandemic and it's pretty frustrating as it is.
    we dont need to get frustrating over the unfairness of this game
    as just increase the droprate for the least as long
    the pandemic is going on.
    Thanks for your understanding.
  2. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Lol. This item might take a few hours or so... it depends on luck, that's right. I advice you to simply try it for half an hour one day, half an hour the next day, and so on until it drops. It shouldn't take too many days, but sometimes a whole day is screwed and unlucky.

    See what happens on lvl55... when you have to craft to get stronger.
    Try to make one 4x platinum item then. Some people are getting it quickly, and some are unlucky and unable to make a single one for months, giving up in the end and not trying anymore.

    And the worst thing is, you're crafting to get stronger... only to get stronger. Being stronger actually gives you nothing.
    • advantage in PvP? nope, it takes one run in a high mode to catch some high-tier items and be competitive with honest players, and no matter what you do, you can't surpass cheaters
    • being able to run some very hard dungeons? well, not really, only the same dungeons you would run anyways, but with more hp and dmg on mobs and a label "harder" - they call it "higher difficulty"
    • being able to complete events faster? no actually, the most efficient mode lately is painful in most cases because of hard-to-obtain items being required in bigger quantities for higher modes, and requires heavy boring farm anyways
  3. god47ak

    god47ak Junior Expert

    I must be very lucky or the devs read my post and tweaked my char because
    after i wrote The post i went onto the map and got the quest item in under 30 sec.
    or maybe they increased the droprate shortly.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2020
  4. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    As I said, sometimes you have an unlucky day, sometimes you have a lucky day. Sometimes the map you are in is unlucky and you won't get the drop if you're farming without exiting. Sometimes a session is unlucky and you won't get drop until you restart the game.

    PRNG is stupid.