Speed attack hacker everywhere on pve maps

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Spagiari, Feb 3, 2025.

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  1. Spagiari

    Spagiari Active Author

    Good afternoon !

    I hope the GM here on the forum takes it to the game development team. It's full of hacker using speed attack in this game. If the moderator thinks there is none. Jump into the game and play some PVE group matches. People are using it without fear. I hope I have some answers, and please don't delete the post because it is reported and recorded and hackers are ruining the game.
  2. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    Hi, do you have videos ?
    Because if you talk about mage, there is bgh set who gives you the impression that speed attack is cheated
  3. Spagiari

    Spagiari Active Author

    I know what a mage using a BGH set is, I've played this game since the beginning and I say it's full of hackers, using speed attacks. War, ranger, unrealistic speed for all classes. Either you don't want to see it or you're pretending not to want to see it because everyone is taking advantage of the hacker, knowing that the game can't detect the anticheat program.
  4. youtubejoguisgame

    youtubejoguisgame Forum Greenhorn

    I think 80% of players are using hacking, almost every game I'm playing, players are fearlessly using the anticheat program, they know that the game has allowed it and they can't block it
  5. DemotioN

    DemotioN Forum Apprentice

    @Spagiari are you sure they are cheating, i have speed about 4.6 and when all my itmes is 100% i about 6
  6. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    Well the realization is it really doesn't matter about cheating anymore the game is dead.. the game has had it's run.. it's been almost 13 years this game has been going.. the only players even putting in a effort are New all the veteran players have long gone.. there is nothing new and all the actual good Events have been ruined..
  7. BarbaroSelvagem

    BarbaroSelvagem Forum Apprentice

    This game is full of hackers. And don't give me the excuse that the BGH set is a magician that releases ice quickly. Yes, you can know when you are using a hacker. It's like 90% are saying using hackers. So they are pretending that they don't see why they are using it or because there are people who are slow and can't understand.
  8. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    are you sure of what you write?
    Just to understand could you write what your attack speed is and what class are you using?
    For years it has been easy to exceed even 6-7 attack speed but the usefulness of having such high speeds is almost 0 due to speedbreaks.
    Maybe you should exceed 8.4 to have an extra hit and for this I think a speedhack is useless.
  9. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Here we go again. Attack speed is capped at 4.0, it does not matter if you push 4 keys a second or 40(which is physically impossible). Whether you push 4 keys or 40 you still get only 4 hits. Anything above 4.0 attack speed is stacks for unleashed rage. What Bigpoint does not tell you in the description is that unleashed rage is also capped at 6.5(6 stacks). If you have 4.0 no one is faster you are same 4 hits a second. The game can only go so fast.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2025
  10. Spagiari

    Spagiari Active Author

    Let's go then. I'm talking about people using hack speed higher than 4,6,9. I'm not talking about set BGH. I've been playing this game for years and I know that many are using hacking. If you want to believe believe me if you don't want to let the hackers play in secret
  11. vincfang888

    vincfang888 Forum Apprentice

    MY char's attack speed is around 7 with gears and buffs on. When i used the 30mins +2 attack speed potion could be reach to 12.I had have made thousands of it in locker.so you say hacker in game whatever i am hacker too