SW tips

Discussion in 'Spellweavers' started by CStaf1, Aug 7, 2024.

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  1. CStaf1

    CStaf1 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello guys,
    I recently came back to the game after 3 years. I currently have a level 95 ice SW grinding for xp in q1 merc runs. I would like to hear your thoughts on what gems to use(so I dont waste gold and dust), runes, wisdom and skill tree points allocation. While for now I only pick up the drops from q1 and use them, when I reach level 100 I would like to have an idea on what items, pets and builds to go for. Finally if you have any places for beginner 100 farming mostly solo go for it.
    PS. I have close to 100k damage, 1.4 attack speed with 2h weapon and somewhere around 7-8% crit. Now my wisdom points are 10 on crit and 10 on 2h attack speed and the rest on 2h damage and hp (wisdom level 31).
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Grind for Wisdom, not for experience.

    Find a boss or set of bosses you feel comfortable killing, and grind them for Wisdom, Gems, junk gear, and the special crafting material specific to your boss of choice. Go to PW, look at all of the Q-specific unique items that the PW bosses (and mobs) can drop; figure out which unique items will give you as a Spell Weaver the most juice, then farm the equivalent boss in Natural World scaling dungeons (because they're easier than the PW versions of said bosses). You need to drop 100 boss ingredients (from each of the specific bosses you desire) in order to unlock the recipes to build their unique items; the 100 boss drops can be on a mixture of difficulties, but you'll need 100 of the same level (Normal, Improved, Magic, etc.) in order to actually craft the boss unique at that level.

    As you'll be farming bosses at Painful and above difficulties, you'll need Keys of Prowess to enter the boss rooms: Farm those keys from the beetle in the Great Desert in Qaizah (that spelling looks wrong; too lazy to look it up right now :)). Avoid boss farming on Excruciating difficulty as it does not guarantee a boss item drop.

    Do not upgrade gems at this stage. Upgrade runes (which use their own special dust) and jewels (which use the same shiny dust at gems).

    You'll feel stuck based on not having enough gold, rune dust, or shiny dust, for a long time. Sell almost all the junk gear you drop; maybe grind any low-quality unique, set item, and possibly legendary item for glyphs which you'll use for enchantment transfers later; try to refrain from wasting glyphs now; transfers get more and more expensive with item level, so hoard them as much as possible while you're still leveling and progressing to higher difficulty levels.

    As for most of your other questions, as much as I dislike the site in general, go to DSO's Discord server, spellweaver channel and look at the pinned messages ... lots of build recommendations there.
    Talbor likes this.
  3. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I agree with what Dkarl said & when I came back I farmed The Great Desert for wisdom, gear, runes, etc & gradually increased the difficulty as my wisdom/gear improved. I like the map since it repops without having to keep exiting/entering & it has the sentinel.

    Upgrading runes costs quite a lot of gold, so be sure to do the New Moon event to get the last reward since it's not hard to complete & it gives you a free rune upgrade.

    I play ranger, but it was definitely better for me to use a 1-hand weapon + quiver to help with crit & attack speed starting out. I don't know if it's same for SW or not, but I'd assume it is.

    Good luck & welcome back!