SWs Unique items: Spellweavers wooden staff and Bone Pauldrons

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jmie888, Feb 16, 2014.

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  1. jmie888

    jmie888 Forum Apprentice

    Hi Masters,

    its been 1week since i started to serach for http://drakensangonline.wikia.com/wiki/Bone_Pauldrons and http://drakensangonline.wikia.com/wiki/Spellweaver's_Wooden_Staff

    on wiki they say that i can be found on silfmoor so im seraching there for 1week now but i still havent get a chance to get one.

    if you have this unique items please share where you get/found it and if possible also indicate the monster (i know its too much but i need your help with this since im so desperate to get the item)

    my character is Level31 now, when im Level 29 i got Remin's battle harness on silfmoor.. but when i became 30 and 31 i cant even find any uniques on silfmoor.

    please advise if the Level of the character matters on the drop of unique items

    .thanks a lot really appreciate it
  2. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    They are uniques for a reason; they are hard to find. In the wiki, you can see beside the name of the location "confirmed". That means that someone got the drop from that location and a screenshot has been taken. Or you can look in the comment section for a specific unique and people will probably be saying where they got it.

    Some extra info:
    I got the Spellweaver's Wooden Staff from the Horned Gorlag(?) Its horned something... whatever, its the boss/champion at the North-Eastern end of the Wildhertz Cave.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014
  3. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    No, your exp lvl are not affecting drop rate in any way (with the exeption of andermants). Just keep trying, if you really want them. Don't farm just slifmoor (for wooden staff), that wand can be droped from mobs lvl 20-29, so try some runs on maps with that lvl mobs. As for bone pauldrons, idk.., try catacombs/crypt of kings. Btw, keep remin's torso, it's a nice piece of armor for medium lvl players. Good luck
  4. jmie888

    jmie888 Forum Apprentice

    thanks for that info sir. i go with this forum because i cant trust the comments on Draken Wiki.. because maybe they are just fooling, im more confedent on you (members info). thats why i go here :) to boost my energy to keep going on searching

    thanks a lot Sir. its a lot of COTs needed to identify that armor :(( thats why i still cant use it..and i feel my legendary jouneyman is much better than remins, my legen have +resistance for all +hr +armor value should i replace it with remins?

    unique items cant find that easy and still be need to identify it.. :(
  5. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    I found my bone pauldrons about there:
    It was skeleton soldier who dropped it :)
    jmie888 likes this.
  6. jmie888

    jmie888 Forum Apprentice

    thanks a lot for this :)
  7. SailorSaturn

    SailorSaturn Padavan

    Crypt of Kings is a pretty sweet area to pick up unique items. I got Bone Pauldrons in a similar area to where Firefly found it. Mind you, I also found them in Forgotten Spas of Coliseum, I think from Muck. Also I found Ring of Magic near one of the Arisen Heroes (though the ring has lame stats and better off being melted). Annoying if you ask me because it's my Tegan SW who found the Bone Pauldrons twice but have yet to find it for my Heredur SW.

    I got the Spellweaver's Wooden Staff at Fortress Teganswall from a fluke drop (another party member killed the mob but it dropped for me!). However, I find the drop rate for it is lower than a Spider Heart Staff (either that or I lucked out after my fifth Arachna solo kill).

    As far as Remin's Battle Harness goes, I'd level your character and look for Grimmag's Starry Robe. The extra mana attributes goes a long way.
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