Announcement Technical Difficulties - Support

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Allogeneous, Oct 6, 2015.

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  1. Dear bug-bothered, quest-quizzled, chat-chaffed, payments-perplexed players of DSO,

    A little "heads-up" for you. OTRS (our ticket system for Support) is experiencing ... erm... "technical difficulties". i.e. it is alternating between "go slow" and "no go". So... please expect some major delays in receiving replies to your tickets.



  2. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker


  3. A little update: OTRS is working again. But it's running only slightly faster than a one-legged duck. And there is quite a back-log. Apologies for the delay if you've got a ticket parked in the queue.
    artemisz1221 likes this.
  4. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    1 legged duck better than a no legged duck :p
  5. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Well... unless you are sledding... then no legs might be faster!
    Shiladitya and BigPapa like this.
  6. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Mom, can duck come out and play?

    What? You're playing baseball and you know duck has no legs!

    I know, we need a second base.
    Shiladitya and Darwarren like this.
  7. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    ok, I understand there are difficulties, but last night im asked to send my info to support by forum mod. so I click the link, fill out all the details including Character Name, User ID etc and typed a long explanation of the problem giving all the relevant details. An hour later I get an email back saying, and I quote "Hello,
    Please log into your account before sending your inquiry. We will then have all relevant data which we require in order to help you as quickly as possible. "
    now, does this mean I need to go through the whole process again and they are not going to touch my last email? Does this mean that putting User Id and character name on the form are absolutely pointless as they just ignore that? what other information is needed? and finally, considering I was logged in playing the game at the time (which is how I managed to craft the lvl49 from 4 lvl50s) I don't see where they think that im not logged in?
    rant over
  8. @tassadar1977 If you are logged into the game and/or you send the ticket from your DSO-linked and verified email a/c, your a/c details are automatically displayed in the ticket. It also goes a small way to assuring the support worker that the person who is sending in the ticket is the legitimate owner of the a/c. If you received a reply asking you to be logged in when sending your ticket, it means: 1) the details that you claim you sent were not received and 2) you were not logged in, so your details were not automatically included. As for why this would have been useful: it is a known issue that crafting a mix of normal Lvl 50 items along with 1+ ghost/ancestor item results in a normal item of Lvl 48-49. If the support worker had your a/c details (incl. character name) + the approx time you did the crafting, they could have looked at your a/c history and determined if this was indeed the case. If an examination of your a/c details revealed that you had crafted four normal Lvl 50 items together and got a Lvl 49 item, it means there is a new bug. If you had crafted 3 normal Lvl 50s and normal Lvl 49s (or any mix thereof), it would mean that your memory was a little "faulty".

    Now... this thread was created for the specific purpose of communicating the fact that OTRS was being a pain in the posterior and that players who sent in tickets to Support could expect lengthy delays in receiving a reply. The issue has largely been resolved. Ergo.... Closing thread.
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