Test server

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by xkeke34, Jun 30, 2020.

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  1. xkeke34

    xkeke34 Forum Apprentice

    Hello to everyone. I want to play in the test server. but can I get an unusual number of valuable objects like wisdom andermant realm fragment vs. Is there a moderator who can help with this.
    ölüm741, sanane57 and illidanking like this.
  2. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    No on the moderator helping. As for the unusual numbers: you can log in and grind and grind and grind and get nothing and nothing and nothing..... wait, that's not unusual.....

    Sorry. But no, no freebies (at least not most of the time and not for a very long time). You just must grind away just like on the live server.
  3. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    You can ask an admin on TS... if you find one.
  4. oOKellueHazeOo

    oOKellueHazeOo Regular

    What's the point in making everyone grind on the test server? they should give us chars and materials to test things ._.
  5. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    the "Test Server" is to test which means all levels of characters need to test what is put on there so if really interested in testing do it and stop complaining.
  6. mariokb

    mariokb Forum Apprentice

    Actually accounts used to be "boosted" before to the max current level and given some useful things, but all this pretty much vanished when they implemented the Kingshill trader which was providing the players with XP potion for level55, gems, items etc. This was probably the biggest advantage which helped the players enormously, its a pity that you have missed it, stay tuned, because some fascinating things are ahead and players might get some bonus again, until then you can ask the people with QA prefix in front of their name for some basic items needed for testing, and don't forget that the test server is generally for getting in-depth with the current events/new features which will sooner or later go to the liveservers and making fix-rechecks of the old ones, also you dont need to have everything there to test these features :) .
  7. xkeke34

    xkeke34 Forum Apprentice

    I noticed,when I wrote to the moderators they said it wouldn't be possible.
    Some trials need more work. Thx all.
    ölüm741 and sanane57 like this.
  8. Lυke

    Lυke Moderator Team Drakensang Online

    @xkeke34 Just send a message when you see us online (Luke, Cheese (Can also have QA prefix in front) and QAError)