Announcement Thank you for your feedback!

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by teddy.bear, Jan 6, 2021.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Dear heroes,

    With the next release, version 246, we are aiming to address several issues that are negatively impacting your gaming experience in Drakensang Online.

    The version contains bug fixes for skills and talents that are not working properly, drop adjustments, fixes for quests and missing recipes and lots of other fixes and improvements that are needed to improve the game.

    While a lot of these issues have been fixed already, we still need more time to address as much as possible, especially for the complicated ones. Because what we don’t want is to start the new year with another rushed release: Hence, we are aiming for a release during the last week in January.

    A detailed list of all the fixes and changes will be provided once they have been confirmed by our QA department and when the release is scheduled.

    We hereby want to thank you for all the bug reports and feedback that you provided us, helping us bringing back the glory of DSO!
    Stay safe and brave,
    Your Drakensang Online Team

    P.S. We are working on a hotfix for the incorrect quest in the Riot of the Rocketmen Event and are planning to extend the event, more info following!
    linco1 and Shine2 like this.
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