Suggestion the lack of drop of iten in the events and the final boss

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by Talaby, Jan 23, 2019.

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  1. Talaby

    Talaby Junior Expert

    the lack of drop of item in the events and the final boss of the maps and in between worlds motivated the post. I present a workable solution. as the drop system is random, according to explanations of the own support alleging and explanations received from the DEV's. I see in the sale of the items fast and viable solution to the problem. sale with anderments. sales with draken already existed, however only that already made in the minimum event in 6 months of game may have conditions to buy. I take into account the draken drop rate per event. after all it's not a good short-term rate if you can buy items with the current drakens drop rate. given the circumstances should be taken into consideration my humble idea about the purchase of items with anderments, here is the suggestion. after all, the game is heading for this modality, I take into consideration the great changes that have taken place in it today. thankful.
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello Talaby and welcome to DSO EN Forums! Have a nice day:)

  3. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    Sorry, I'm a bit lost...what items would you like to be sold with andermants?
  4. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    If I understand right, event uniques and PW uniques.

    I don't like this. It smells of pay-to-win.

    The game loop is already kind of broken now that you can buy almost any unique item you want, either for drakens or materi frags. But at least these currencies can only be farmed, unlike andermant that can be purchased for real money.
    ΣMiwel likes this.
  5. Talaby

    Talaby Junior Expert

    I've been playing since 2010. And so far I have not dropped any items from the new moon or old or new events at least, and full moon only two parts from the old set. I understand you do not have the money to spend in the game and evolve so you should be easier and faster due to the large number of friends that carry you inside the game maps. his idea that the game would be paid to win, is typical of who has no money to invest and who lives the whole game with the help of others. I do not have anyone to carry me, and in the vast majority of them I play alone. I understand that I am fair to players who can, you see, they can buy. It's not mandatory. buy who you want and you can. this exclamation that the random drop system is old. however it does not justify that I have not achieved a single part of the single items of the final bosses. I see the possibility of buying a fair system for the other players. and if it is with level, it improves more my chances of evolving in the game. I make it clear that who does not have or do not want to buy is free to choose. Good Morning.
  6. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Bollocks. You must have had a long break and/or almost didn't play at all... or you have just joined. For a long time the drop of the moon uniques was decent.

    I agree, the draken prices are too high. But we need a better way to farm drakens, not swapping their prices for andermant prices.

    And the Parallel Worlds are no problem at all... You don't need a group carrying you in high modes to farm materi for first few uniques.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  7. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    I'm strongly against the idea of carrying. A lot of people don't agree with me on this, but in my opinion carrying can be abused too easily, and mere help turns into a constant abuse of the system. You farm some currency and buy everything in a few runs with an op friend. It defeats the RPG idea of getting stronger slowly and deserving it.

    And for that reason I don't like the idea of purchasing uniques for andermant. It's already more than enough that you can buy gems and infernal passages and sphere fragments and event progress points, and in fact even some premium weapons for andermant.

    I dare even say that the game could survive and thrive on mere cosmetic micro transactions. but devs would first had to make the game great again and advertise it properly...
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  8. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    "plz guys listen to me, the randomness is unfair, so i propose that the already buyable uniques should be sold for andermants, trust me guyz, this won't be pay to win, even though uniques are buyable with drakes who are a free currency, it's not pay to win, I AM VERY SMART, plz listen"

    I call EDIT about your claim of playing since 2010
    First of all, i don't know if the game was around in 2010, it certainly wasn't released, it may have been in Beta
    Second you claim that you haven't dropped any item from the moon events
    If you were playing the moon events you would have experienced the phase prior to R214, when uniques used to drop fairly regulary
    As such you would have gotten those sets, given the hundreds of events that happened during the years
    Hell, even in the old sets the set used to drop with much better frequency than any other sets
    So this post would not exist

    Also believing your claim that you played since 2010 and getting only two parts of the old set begs the question: what the heck have been doing ever since the moon events have been introduced? You had hundreds of chances to drop those uniques

    Last edited by moderator: Feb 1, 2019
  9. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Absolutely not. The game started out as super p2w and in recent years has been trending towards being less p2w. If they implemented this, it would be a huge step backwards. Suggesting they raise the drop rate of uniques or decrease the draken cost would have been reasonable but straight up selling the uniques for anders? No thanks.
    Akageshi likes this.
  10. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I think the drop rates of world uniques should be bumped back up to where it was before latest drop rate reduction. I had hoped to make a desert unique set or balor set ranger on test server just to test different playstyles.

    I also think the world bosses in maps accessible by those new keys should also be available at infernal IV.

    This might encourage more gear diversity.

    IKILLGIANTS Active Author

    I dont understand why people are so woried about the posibility of buying items with ademant when at this time ademant drop is reasonable, i think they are players who play just the dailys...the problem with this ideea is destroying the "game purpose" if i may call it so and not pay to winmy vote would be no
  12. oOKellueHazeOo

    oOKellueHazeOo Regular

    Yeah that claim is complete and utter BS, You haven't dropped more than 2 unique items from the moon bosses in 9 years? Ok then.

    Secondly Being carried a "few runs" in Pw will not earn you as much materi as you think it would, albeit most people dont actually get carried because many players who can fight in inf3/inf4 almost always require a very good group before they venture out in that high difficulty.