Suggestion too many new crafting items to store

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by jeffzrx, Jan 10, 2025.

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  1. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    we need more locker space
    salotr and bibere like this.
  2. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    I agree, the slot size that a single item occupies could be reduced, so that you have bags that can hold more things in each tabs.
  3. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I agree! There's so much random crap they keep adding that takes up inventory space when it should be going in the bags instead. One example is the ingredients we buy with amphora keys to craft the gingerbread man. Why can't the go to the bags like other ingredients. Since they don't drop in even amounts there's no way to use up all the ingredients. I guess they're hoping we'll trash the leftovers & waste all those amphora keys then buy more later.

    I think the real reason they don't give us more space or manage their items properly is that they're hoping we'll give in & buy deluxe to get that needed extra space!
    Wenusjanka and salotr like this.