Trade in Chars

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by daywaker2, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    Hi i think it would be fine if you could change Gems+Items in your chars to low level char.
    We should try that before we made trade to other players.
  2. Brian1919

    Brian1919 Junior Expert

    What a great idea! Then all of those radiant gems we've all managed to farm up on our level 45's could go to a tiny little level 5 character! Boy won't pvp be fun!!
  3. Beaztmode

    Beaztmode Forum Connoisseur

    So just stop PVP with low level. Start to go high-end level PVP.

    Yeah that would be cool so you can trade the uniques with others!
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Exactly! I can only imagin how much worse the twinks would be if they were lvl 1 with 800-1000 health, 100-150 damage and 1000 armor. They would be invincable.

    EDIT: and this is a reason that trade would be an even worse idea. They could just pass the gems back and forth between their low level twink and their P2W PvPer. I've given tons of examples of why any item transfer is a bad idea, But hey, what do I know... Trade is a great idea, Right?:rolleyes: It won't get abused at all, Will it?:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
    Soustruznik, multitoonz and Brian1919 like this.
  5. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    One better, hehe... I have a lvl 33 DK with all low level upgraded gear (been working on him 20 months now). So I could make a level 8 toon (the requirement for the weapon decoration) with full legendary, 5 slot, radiant gemmed level 33 gear :eek:

    Let the games begin :)

    Luck be with ye,
    Brian1919 likes this.
  6. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    Summary: People want to r.a.p.e newbies
  7. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    It will not work. They can have unlimited free Pol Ruby and Sapphire if they can pass it around
  8. Torefas

    Torefas Padavan

    That's right. The 'invite friends' bonus will be abused by creating new char over and over again. I support this idea actually but the loophole must be fixed first.
  9. Brian1919

    Brian1919 Junior Expert

    Why stop there? How about we just make it so we can trade down our top end gear to a low level too! Predator bow, you name it. It can keep the same stats as high level, but since it's on a lower level character we can continue to use glyphs to keep upping the stats! It'll be brilliant!
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  10. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    I agree with Mikey and Brian completely, this is by far the most spineless proposition thus far (or made without thinking). If you want to stomp on the little ones look for professional help because the psychological disorder will likely escalate over time. Also, given the 'German precision' of BP's programming thus far, the system will likely be abused beyond recognition before it is sufficiently patched up, resulting in a whole lot of low-level supermen which will be almost exclusively used to stomp on n00bs. What a wonderful idea, great thinking.
    Brian1919 likes this.
  11. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    I wouldn't hesitate to throw my DK's gems into my Spellweaver and delete said DK..bad investment on my part I suppose.
    Brian1919 likes this.
  12. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Thanks guys, you have given BP further ammo not to a trade system. Btw, I completely agree with you. I made the mistake of trying to PVP after level 40 and have sufficiently been traumatised. I can imagine how worse it is going to be for those persons who come up against characters benefiting from "gifts" from their upper level characters. It may effectively destroy the already broken PVP system.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  13. Hellamyjamgirl

    Hellamyjamgirl Junior Expert

    It would just lead to alot abuse, and a low lvl player would be able to grow too fast, as much as I would like the trading system for my own needs :p it's bad..
  14. XZarnak

    XZarnak Junior Expert

    I do believe you guys raise good points.

    However, at termination (delete), a character has accumulated a small to considerable amount of 1) gems, 2) glyphs, 3) may have paid for slots or similar.

    They were legitimately acquired, and when you sell your old car to buy a new one, you do get some value back. So it should be with characters.

    There is a cost to delete the character, but I would like my investment to pay back, SO, here are a few suggestions...

    Option 1
    TRANSFORM: you suddenly figure your Dwarf bores you, so you transform him into a DK or SW of equal level.
    Keep pet, XP, gems, and all equipment from the Dwarf get Melted to Glyphs
    The new character gets all whites with 4 slots.
    Keep Knowledge-Tree intact.

    Option 2
    Gems liquidated to Glyphs at minimum cost (as though gems had been purchased on sale); not difficult to do a gem - andermant cost - glyph equivalent

    Either glyphs get evenly distributed amongst the remaining characters on same account (with maybe a small % going to the new toon), orall glyphs get assigned to highest lvl character on account

    Knowledge Tree Legacy: (provided the old / to be deleted character HAD the Knowledge), new character gets Teleportation immediately, gets Bank at lvl 6, 7th skill at lvl 11, Mount at lvl 16, etc.

    Every six months, award a medal / reward to best suggestion (gold, silver and bronze). That might be A-OK :)
  15. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Interesting, but it could still be exploited,which is why I would add another requierment to Option 2. The toon to be retired must be LVL 45.

    And in regard to Option 1, that would be painful... ever try to fight with a "Naked" character (All whites is only a small step up)? It is really tough. To try and grind out a LVL apropriate set of armor would take forever and cost a minimum of 16885-18420 COTs. For 37-45, I would change this to a random set of purple items with random stats and a random amount of slots. For 25-36, a random set of blues. For 15-24 a random set of greens. And for below 15 use whites... one problem here is that it means that for the price of a reset, someone would be able to "Re-Roll" their character if they didn't like the reset stats the first time or if they had help to get up to a level with crappy gear, they would be able to replace all their gear rather cheaply. Long story short, Any of these ideas can be abused if the player is sufficiently creative (And many of them are). Also, what would happen to their PVP tree? Would they keep it or would they have to start from scratch. I wouldn't mind if they had to start from scratch. I would love picking on all these AKotOs who love to beat up on me when they had to start from the bottom again for a class change. On the other hand, with how much work they had to put into their characters, I would imagin that they would be ticked off it they had to re-earn their fame.
  16. .maes.

    .maes. Someday Author

    well. lets make it a win-win for everyone, even bp. allow gem passing between family characters only when the 2 characters are the same lvl. we are forced to lvl up to 45. bp might make money off people who cant stand the endless grinding. and we can finally move gems from our long-abandoned dks after r89 to archer/mages.
    Brian1919 likes this.
  17. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    better trade in his own char then buy all new for second char or not?? if you dont like play your Dk change your gems to other char...i think its an good idea
    Daarth likes this.
  18. ThorHeredur

    ThorHeredur Forum Apprentice

    How about trade gems, only with your own lvl 45 characters on you account? For a small fee of andermant/gold
  19. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Does anyone really think this idea has any chance of happening? Sorry F2P's but this has nothing to do with you. Gems are a revenue source for this game. The thing is they are not consumable. Once a player has taken their gems to the max that they are going to that revenue stream dries up.

    In the past BP created gems above polished grade and more recently the constant gem sales to prolong this revenue stream. When gem crafting 2 was introduced BP lowered the price of gems below polished but that was only to make the cost of combining lower grade gems equal to the price of a polished gem. Again this move was designed to encourage players to buy gems, even lower grade ones.

    If you have a character that needs more gems BP wants you to buy them. Even if overall gem sales started to drastically fall off it would be much more likely to see a price reduction before this trading between characters would be allowed.

    And there is that word... Trade... even if it is between characters on the same account... something that BP has never considered in the past and has shown no inclination to do in the future.

    Some of the more more recent posts in this thread have been worthy by adding restrictions to how trading gems between chars characters on the same account might work. But again this would take a major shift in BP's closed economy philosophy to happen.

    Of course this is all just my opinion. What I see ingame tends to back it up. Gem sales seem to be doing fine. I see plenty of players at the gem merchants all the time. More than other other merchant besides the smith. Whenever there is a 25% off sale the gem merchants are surrounded by players for the duration of the discount.

    I could benefit from this idea too if it were implemented. Probably more than most of the members that have posted here since I have so many accounts and characters. I'm just not going to hold my breath for this idea though.

    Luck be with ye,
    Multi-Sev and Brian1919 like this.
  20. Daarth

    Daarth Forum Apprentice

    a common chest to transfer gems and other items to other character from the same account will be great - me, for example, I would like to play DK not mage anymore... all I need is to transfer gems from mage to dk.
    trading with other players ? mhh .. that will not be so fun - you will be spammed by beggars and players who will figure out ways to scam you - is what happen in many other games ...
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