Announcement Well, that was unexpected! Odd items in crafting/inventory

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Allogeneous, Aug 28, 2015.

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  1. Hi all,

    There has been an "interesting" little bug since R155 was implemented. Some players have had items in their inventory (or even equipped items) replaced with a "random" other - e.g. legendary Lvl 45 SW item replaced with a Lvl 1 white DK item. The same is happening with crafting.

    We have been informed by the CMs that the dev's are looking into the issue. Once the cause has been isolated, they will attempt to devise a script which will automatically look for cases of doppelgängers in inventories and replace them with the original. That is the hope, at least. So please do not discard the doppelgänger item.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. We will inform you all as soon as we have got an update regarding this issue.

    Mal3ficent, MegaNuker and Anyki like this.
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