Suggestion will end the mage's sigris set?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ridlaw, Jul 4, 2018.

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  1. ridlaw

    ridlaw Forum Greenhorn

    I found it very unfair to reduce the damage of the ice pack with the sigris set.
  2. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    LOL. Really? What a speech.

    Equally I, who do not use it, find unfair to be oneshotted by a single piece of ice that travels at the speed of light.

    It's a bug, and it is fixed yet on TS. Thanks them that you could enjoy it for a month.
    Veηom likes this.
  3. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    It is not reduced, it is set back to the damage it should deal, since it was (is) bugged.
  4. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    your complaint is fake news

    It's not a nerf, it was a bug that was fixed
  5. LyLyh

    LyLyh Someday Author

    I think the critical hit damage don't work properly now. Let's someone else check it too.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Do you offer any evidence for this? Are you talking just about ice missile or in general? You see, I'm confused because you are reviving a thread that is over three weeks old and talking about something totally unrelated.

    I've done number crunching today related to another issue and I've seen nothing that would make me think that crit damage isn't working right.