Ranger Resistance breaking skills are incorrect

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by brcserenity, Apr 22, 2024.

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  1. brcserenity

    brcserenity Forum Greenhorn

    Hi All,

    As you can see in the feature description, two skills can break the resistance values. And it is expected to break resistance by 100% in total.

    Blade Dance: 5% from Master Of Fire first point, 45% from last 9 point = 50%
    Net: 5% from Master Of Fire first point, 45% from last 9 point = 50%

    Total Fire Resistance reduce 100%

    But the situation is not exactly like this and there is an error in the calculation.


    Unlike what is explained here, NET only breaks the RELATIVE Modifier once, while BLADE DANCE continues to break with every hit. In this case, it is necessary to hit it several times with BLADE DANCE to break unlimited % Fire resistance ( Blade Dance really breaks unlimitedly, the last time I saw it was -200% in our test. ).

    Apart from this issue, the same problem continues because the Flame Conqueror set uses NET. With NET+Flame Conqueror, they can actually break 15% resistance since it is only on the Relative Modifier. These two pieces should normally break 85% fire resistance.