Searching grp for Mortis

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SorroWsWeepS, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. marcush75m

    marcush75m Forum Apprentice

    dude... we have killed mortis on green plenty of times, for tank its blue - red , others max blue lol...
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend


    You can't search groups for mortis here.
    First you have to find yourself some friends. You help each other every time you play the game, no matter if it is farming or boss killing.

    Anyway. I am at Grimmag server. Can you give more details of your character?
  3. Ashelia59650

    Ashelia59650 Active Author

    When you are asking for groups on the forum, it would be better to at least show a printscreen of your char after pushing "c', when it is about Mortis.

    I tried for "fun" Mortis with pick up groups, the 1st problem no one amongst them speak "english", 2nd issue, the tank was so bad and died permanently, I was forced to equip my tank gear + buffs in the midst of the fight. (my gems were in the dps gear)

    I only did this because I saw 2 of them using desesperately 15 bombs each other, I have been nice to use "red/ food/ blessing of might" to make up the very bad damage of the group.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Wow, so I just came back and glanced at this thread. I'm sorry for any double posts I now have because of Wakaole deleting his. I guess that is his way of appolgizing for being wrong. Apology accepted.

    Also sorry if some of my posts don't make sense anymore without the context of Wakaole's.
  5. Wakaole

    Wakaole Someday Author

    First I feel sorry for spamming this thread..and 2nd I know I am right but the way I explained it maybe Rude to Baragain and some friends here..and for that I`m sorry.
    3rd I`m honored to learned from you guys here and I really appreciate it.
  6. {loveushka}

    {loveushka} Forum Apprentice

    hi all can someone inv in a good group for mortis?mage 45 lvl all red ess potions buffs can ressurect with crystals Heredur (Loveushka)

    im writing because i ve been 3 times and all knights and 2/3 mages die and im on 1 on 1 with him No good

    just write private im all time in the game

  7. Dukiček_cz

    Dukiček_cz Forum Master

    Invi me , my name is Dukynguyen, invi me to group when i am online. I am very profesional about mortis, but i need 1 frag to q6 and i can help you. ;) Sever: grimmag
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