P2P and F2P Pvp

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by yamahamm, Jan 3, 2014.

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  1. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    Hi guys. I am playing drakensang almost since ranger appeared and im completely free to play. I got predator, almost all possible uniques and im Seasoned knight of order. I liked this game till all those overpowered gems were introduced to us...

    And, due to that fact, normal pvp is almost impossible... I get OP marshalls who kill me in just a few hits.

    So... I came up with rather strange idea: why don't you make f2p and p2p pvp's separately? I know you have a db for that because all p2p are in TGC.

    Don't judge me, its just an idea, but I think it would be much more interesting to play for non-payers.

    so what do you think?
    Amaar likes this.
  2. Darcous

    Darcous Forum Apprentice

    Im also 4/7 games in pvp against P2W and heavy ones..I can't do nothing for them..As money are Bigpoint's goal they will introduce more items and gems that will cost many anders so they can take more money..
    They will never make such a decision to spare PVP in 2 parts..But they could just not allow Essences - Potions - Buffs to arena so it could be just a bit less harder for F2P players.
    nanc likes this.
  3. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    I don't have anything against ess and buffs. potions - yes.
    and anyway, for p2w then there is more competition, for us, non-payers - more joy playing against our level
  4. Ashelia59650

    Ashelia59650 Active Author

    In most f2p the business model is the same, new players or f2p get owned so much in pvp or sometimes useless in pve ... by getting utterly frustrated they cross the line and pay

    It works for big licenses pretty well I guess in video games f2p companies.
    In real life or even in every game, most people want to feel all mighty by any means, so when a bit of money can help, they let go of the "steam" that way.
    They can make a lot of profits this way, or squeeze the wallet until the last customers give up and inject in another project.

    In the end, all is about money and not fun or ethic.

    I never pvp in video games, only in a ring or martials arts contests :D
  5. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    yeah, I used to do that too... :D well, I guess best choise is to quit gaming at all :) more fun, more friends and no worries about being less powerful than someone, except in a job :D
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    As a F2P, I'm all for it. However, there is one big issue. Where do you draw the line between F2P and P2P? If someone bought $10-$15 worth of ander one time to buy some COTs, does that make them P2P and they should fight the people that spend $100s or $1000s? Also, do premeium users who don't buy ander count as P2P?

    In short, there are better ways to fix the insanity that is PVP and there are bunches of threads about this.
  7. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    I am still a believer that if they took away the +1/+1 benefits of the PvP tree that it would help immensely.
    -HARRA81- and _Baragain_ like this.
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Yea, then LVL 40 PVPers would't hit me for 20% more and I wouldn't be hitting them for 20% less. I would like that.
  9. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    When BP introduce overpowered gems (sacred?) they screwed f2p players big time.
    Let say f2p finish all ammons quest, got all unique items, but again, you will not be as strong as they, not even close. There are too large difference between p2p and f2p.
    stasis likes this.
  10. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author


    this game is nvr going to recover and fix major flaws
    i am a premium user , i do pay everymonth to bp and yet m constantly being overpowered by other p2p who pay for gems!!!

    not to mention all boring grindings for gears with pathetic droprates, horrible events with insane difficulties without any usefull rewards and hopeless pvp which devs dont give a EDIT to fix the imbalance

    thankfully there are lot of new major mmo titles coming out this year.

    i will finally get an excuse to put this insanity end and put my subscription money on other games which will treat me fairly and give me better gaming experiance
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 16, 2014
  11. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    Hmm, green ess, ok. But buffs.. if it wasn't quite sad, I'd laugh when I get 1 hit by those who use all those buffs.. when you kill them, screen get crazy xD Horrible. Maybe if they lose buffs and potions it would be a bit better. Because now it's .. it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. :)
  12. TheTruth

    TheTruth Forum Apprentice

    P2P and F2P pvp will never be made, sorry to tell you that. :)
    and not all P2P are in the TGC club. :)
  13. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    I didn't mean all those speed, armor, dmg buffs, only simple buffs for gold and anders. they aren't that bad :)

    But yeah, I guess this is pretty impossible idea :)
  14. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    simpe buffs for anders? 50% armor, speed, dmg? yeeee, how simple can it possibly get :p
  15. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    no no no, you didn't understand me :) I meajt those buff which give armor, or dmg, those which are bought in major cities, not from boxes :)
  16. deadbychocolate

    deadbychocolate Forum Greenhorn

    farm hard play hard, the best way for F2P gamers:)
  17. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    My bad, sorry :D still wouldn't allow them; let people waste golds on something more useful and earn their honor.. honorably (more or less xD) :cool:
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