Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jmie888, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. jmie888

    jmie888 Forum Apprentice

    Hi Master,

    im a newbie here, my character is a SW Level 28 with no Honor Badges at this point since im not fan of Battle/PVP i just wanted to play the game and be powerful.

    quick question regarding Talents that earned via Honor Badges, does it affects my power on doing quests?.and does it makes me weaker compare to those who are doing Battle/PVP?

    please advise thanks in advance
  2. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Each fame level increases damage done to others by 1% and decreases damage taken by 1%. The talents also improve your skills or add something new. So yes, fame does make you stronger or weaker against others.

    Talents after level 25 fame help in PvE.
  3. freewayfrank

    freewayfrank Someday Author

    nows the time to do it with the mentor bonus you get.you can level up faster plus you will get to like it .just ignore that chatter.Have Fun...good luck
  4. jmie888

    jmie888 Forum Apprentice

    does Level1-24 fame has affect on PVE?.. :( i dont want to do PVP/battle since im having fun more on PVE. and im Level 28 now and i think its too late to start PVP since the other players already have higher talents on their fame so i think i will end up lossing and lossing again and not gain honor.
  5. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Actually level 28 is fine so long as you have decent gear. To answer your question 1-24 fame has no effect on PvE.
  6. jmie888

    jmie888 Forum Apprentice

    what is mentor bonus osrry?
  7. -necromonster-

    -necromonster- Junior Expert

    Mentor bonus is a new feature of DSO that allows alternate characters or yours to level up Knowledge and Fame by 200%. It only applies to those other characters of yours that are on the same account and not your primary (aka highest famed/knowledge character). So if this Spellweaver you are playing with jmie888 is the only one that is on your account, you will not have Mentor Bonus activated.

    Hope this helps :).
  8. Ash

    Ash Advanced

    I never wanted to do PvP, I like PvE rpgs.

    However, from level 25 Fame, the benefits work for PvE, and it makes a difference when you're lvl40+ and in PWs.

    If your aim is just to have a bit of fun, you can just PvE and forget PvP, but if you want a really strong character and to be a useful group member, than PvP is necessary... OR, many many more hours (months) farming and getting your gear the strongest you can.

    I have a level45 ranger that never PvPed as well as I leveled up too fast. Now it's a struggle in the top maps despite that I've been working on it for months.

    On the other hand, my lvl23 Mage is lvl30 Fame and I have farmed for months, so I can solo maps +7 levels easily. It's better, I think, to work on your toon in the lower levels as much as you can stand it (I'm patient :D ) and then level up.

    As suggested above, ignore the banter from other PvPers as it can be nasty, but they are in the minority, and battles like 5v5 can be great fun.
  9. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Just get into a PvP guild and you'll get all the free honor you need. Most of the guilds are doing it. There is no such thing as real PvP anymore so it will be easy for you to catch up. All matches are usually pre-grouped so your guild will ensure you gain honor at a faster rate than trying to play PvP solo without guild support.
  10. Ash

    Ash Advanced

    I don't find that to be the case, and I play a lot.
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