Attack on Kingshill

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Luarsabi, Feb 9, 2014.

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  1. Luarsabi

    Luarsabi Forum Greenhorn

    When is the event going to start? please anybody who know answer me
  2. rayonaranja

    rayonaranja Padavan

    There isnt official information about it
  3. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    Here is the video with all required info
  4. rayonaranja

    rayonaranja Padavan

    this guy is an admin
  5. perrush

    perrush Active Author

    now we know how admins 'test' an event. Unlimited draken, ander and gold. Completely OP toon. -> worthless !
    MikeyMetro and multitoonz like this.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Really!?! What gave it away? the 75k draken... the 800k ander... the Armor? DUH!!!!

    Well, they are usualy testing solo, that is the only way they will have any luck in events designed for groups. It doesn't bug me. Bugs are the same for everyone and if they find/report/get fixed a bug, then it is fine by me that they have all those perks on test server.
  7. rayonaranja

    rayonaranja Padavan

    I was just trying to be the Captain Obvius.. jajaja
  8. DoesItReallyMatter

    DoesItReallyMatter Forum Apprentice

    Noooo Why u remove the Video? :(
  9. rayonaranja

    rayonaranja Padavan

    cause he was admin, not even in youtube
  10. Ash

    Ash Advanced

    Anyone any clue if this event is on soon? I can never find it when I visit the test server.
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Test server is now moved on to R120 so I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see it there anymore. And if I had to guess when we'll see it on the live server, based on experience, I would say no later than the beginning of next weekend. possibly as early as Monday or Tuesday.
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I was at the test server yesterday. Yes now is R120 ... but the event Attack on Kingshill was there for few hours.
    If you want to try the event I think that you should look for it before 18:00 CET.
  13. Ash

    Ash Advanced

    Great, I'm farmed up on blues and waiting. lol
    shadow-whisper likes this.
  14. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    It is kind of dumb that you can not always find new events etc that are supposedly available for testing on the test server when players visit said server for that purpose. Why do it on a luck and chance basis? If devs are planning to bring an event new or revamped events on the live server, why have it on the test for a few hours and then take it down? How else would bugs and any other player adverse things going to be discovered, so that they can be fixed, if the actual event is not available on the test server long enough so that a wide pool of players with varying skills and gear have the opportunity to actually run these event? Maybe I think differently, but too many events have been getting low grades and this may be one of the causes for such low grades.
  15. Ash

    Ash Advanced

    I agree with you @Superme, I want to go on the TEST server, to ummm, TEST new additions including events. What an idea! lol
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes , I agree they should be at the TS more longer and more often.
    Sometimes they are there even for few minutes ... so basically if you have to do resource gathering (like sugar beets, light essences ... etc) before testing event ... I doubt you can do it.
  17. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Seriously, it is bad enough that you have to grind a character to get to max stats, but having barely visible events is plain awful. In retrospect, I can see why you need low level characters on the test server for the reason that events should meet all levels so that a determination could be made as to the level appropriateness of event scaling. However, new event disappearing quickly after appearance is very ridiculous.
  18. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Why the change of heart, BP???
    Was "Attack on Kingshill" a doable event for F2P???
    And now it's called "Invasion", instead of killing mobs, it's just like "Attack on Werian Sanctuary" an event mainly for P2P???

    In the beginning the event was to good to be true.
    Thanks for nothing!!!
    ...and keep'up the great work you have done so far.
    Warlord likes this.
  19. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    Do you know something about it? because I watched two different versions of this event, and now I don't know which one is gonna be on the live servers
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I just checked out the changes, and it feels like it is still a work in progress. For example, there is a quest given by the mage who gives you the scroll to go talk to someone in the event map who is not there. Maybe we won't be seeing it as soon as I originally thought. On a side note, I actually like this new version better because it is not defense based. That means that I can solo it and don't need to wait to find a good group. Also, I am really curious what the shield in the chest for killing 1500 monsters and the mini-bosses has in the way of stats. Probably not too good because the shield will be rather easy to get, but I'm curious non the less.
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