My Character not working :/

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by deathacceptor, Feb 15, 2014.

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  1. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    So i have 3 characters in my account , 2 of them are working great (except for the random errors lol) , i like playing with my mage account but there seems to be a problem going on with it whenever i try to login from it a connection error occurs " all connection attempts have failed " what should i do?
    I tried these
    1. cleared the dso temporary files
    2. cleared my browser's cookies and cache

    so what should i do now?
  2. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    I had that problem this morning, trying to enter the Atrium for Oob. I cleared the dso folder and that helped.
  3. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    i cleared it two times :/ still nothing
  4. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    I do not know then. Send a ticket to support.
  5. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    Lol the best part, i've done that already two days ago and still no reply thats why i started this thread
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Don't worry you will hear from them. It is a weekend.
  7. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    Ok they replied one day ago i told me to clear the dso client data and internet cache and i've already done it , i replied this to them and asked them to check it and fix it pls and no reply from them YET! im hoping i get a reply today :/
  8. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Sometimes you may need to send them a reminder email.
  9. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    i dont think thats gonna work :/
  10. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    I had a problem and it took several emails for it to be sorted. In one instance the support person was changed.
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