Dragonknight Talent Problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Derenge, Feb 16, 2014.

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  1. Derenge

    Derenge Forum Pro

    Hi everyone, priority sorry for bad language. Dragonknights have a talent problem. I do three months ago feedback in Turkish forum but not fixed.

    This option give %33 more damage few skills. (PvP and PvE too. so: everywhere)


    But doesn't not work.

    When I Selected: http://n1310.hizliresim.com/1g/n/tsjw4.jpg

    Unselected: http://s1310.hizliresim.com/1g/n/tsjwl.jpg

    Screenshots are from release 111 but no change

    As you can see It does not matter. Hope you fix it.

    Derenge, Werian
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014
  2. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    You hit 2k with Rage Jump? Nice.
  3. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    ehh... Maybe coz you are using skill Mighty Wild Swing in those pictures. you can see it from healing effect and cooldown in skill bar.

    If you check the talent (brute force, 30 lv fame talent) it says that it increases rage jump, ground breaker and iron brow skills by 33% - not the skill you are using :D
  4. Derenge

    Derenge Forum Pro

    No it says Mighty Wild Swing too.
  5. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    No it doesnt :D
    Maybe translation error or something?
  6. Derenge

    Derenge Forum Pro

    I can't believe it! Yes Translation error :(
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