Attack on Kingshill

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Luarsabi, Feb 9, 2014.

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  1. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    is this shield from set? and is it shield for rangers too? im curious too :)
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    There is no shield in the set, only the 5 LHS Items. I'd go take a picture of the quest, but the test server is undergoing maintenance right now. I'm a DK, so from time to time I forget that other classes care about stuff they can get too. :D:p
  3. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    if it was like legendary shield, I would be really pleased :D
    Yeah, you warriors only get shields, we got not only shields and some quivers are worthless :D
  4. Ash

    Ash Advanced

    According to DSO's FB page the event is very soon.
  5. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi yamahamm,

    I also played 2 versions and the 1st one was much better, because a person could do it solo, all a person had to do was killing mobs and pickup the drops... the 2nd version (live server)is just like the last event "Attack on Werian Sanctuary" were you have to defend an NPC, but on "Invasion on Kingshill" you will have to defend 4 NPC, one at the time and becomes more difficult to complete.

    I managed to defend the first one from 9 waves, but i had to use all my saved scrolls (7) i called 3 DK, 2 RA, 2 SW.
    I lost at the 2nd NPC, in the 4th wave, too many Bosses (red circle + a new one purple) 2 or 3 Nefretari's, 2 Skeleton's, 2 others (could see them) and the new one purple circle, a new mob Boss, he is made out of stone...he didn't got a chance to attack, because his path was blocked by skeleton archers.

    Hope you guys can finish this dreadful event...the 1st version was doable for everybody, the 2nd version is only for P2P and F2P who have P2P friends.
    Warlord likes this.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Huh? That is the opposite from what I experienced. The first time I tried it was the defend quests. Then it went away from the test server and when it came back a couple of days later, it was the defeat mobs for the drops.

    Also, defend quests are easy in a good group (Not just P2P), especially now that they have fixed it so that everyone gets credit for the defend quest at the same time and we don't have to do the same quest 5 times for everyone to get credit. The old version (my old version, the defend one) would promote team work and would be about as easy in a team as the new one (again, my new one, mobs in an event map) would be solo. I hope it goes back to the defend based one as that was the original idea for these "Defend" events. There are plenty of "Farm this item to get into event map, kill the monsters there for event progress, difficulty will scale based one people in group," events and the Werian Sanctuary event was a refreshing change... the only problem in my mind was that you had to defend 5 times so that everyone got credit.

    By the way, here is the Chest with the shield I mentioned earlier.
  7. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    so if its the defend one event, so we wont be able to get that shield? even though I have a good one im interested what it gives...

    and I saw both in videos, so the farming version would seem more interesting to me
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