R115 changes

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Ralph, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. Ralph

    Ralph Someday Author

    Sorry I can't find the patch notes, please link if you have it.

    I noticed that the costumes don't get removed even if you die, which is good because it's really a pain to keep right clicking it whenever you die in PVP.

    I also see that the area you are currently in is now written on the lower right corner of the screen. This is not really necessary as most people who play the game knows where they are going or where they are at, unless long hours of farming dulled the mind. It's not really obstructive but it's one of those image-at-the-side-of-your-eye which is subliminally annoying.
  2. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    There is one now, it just speaks to the game now being downloadable on Mac now. Other observations though are :

    (1) the pet no longer has a timer;

    (2) event quests are logged separately;

    (3) the level 35 dwarf hat now appears instead of the white block.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
  3. Ralph

    Ralph Someday Author

    Please link i still don't see the official post
  4. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    The official post is that it is now available for Mac, all else is what I observed.
  5. Ralph

    Ralph Someday Author

    I see. I was hoping for the change log of all the changes. I also noticed there's a mini tab on the Quest (E) window that looks like a trophy.
  6. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Yes I think that is to log the event quests. I am skipping the new moon event so, I cant ascertain.
  7. Ash

    Ash Advanced

    • I like the separate event quest tab, can get confusing and messy if one also has a ton of quests on-going.
    • The place name above the bar is superfluous and could be an extra annoyance especially in warzones. There is already enough down there now with mentor bonuses too.

    So are PWs not yet reworked? Or Mortis nerfed? Couldn't see any mention in the notes, though it was suggested on their FB page.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
  8. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

  9. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    This Release did not include any major changes to the Parallel World and Mortis, but it still is in the works.
    Ash likes this.
  10. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Has anyone started a new character since this update. Well I am still stocking up on black dyes, lol, and I found out the teleport talent on the knowledge tree now only costs 150 books and 3 silver per level.

    So you can now get that talent on you very first book DQ (providing you have mentor bonus and the 15 silver of course :cool:)

    Nice change if you are trying to get thru the Darbmoor quests quickly.

    As for the event quest tab... well that's nice but what we really need is a PvP quest tab. If you are building a character with a balanced mix of PvE and PvP quests you hit the 10 quest limit very fast if you have all five of the main PvP quests running.

    Luck be with ye,
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
    Ash likes this.
  11. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    Aaaah, here is feedback. I'll never get used to this forum :(

    I love, LOVE and LOVE to die in a costume, it was so boring to click every time I die, and god knows I die a lot :p

    Quick books for teleport are also nice update, as are event quest tabs.
    Anyways, I like the update, I was afraid costume death was a bug :cool:

    I have to mention bug; my costume disappears when I change map; icon is there like it's on, but I can't see it. I'm not the only one with this prblm. :) Not a big deal, but worth mentioning :p

    That would be all. :)
    Noob likes this.
  12. Kasherinae

    Kasherinae Junior Expert

    And the Minimap should be returned to it's original, unobtrusive, size.
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