So... is this game still bad? ;-)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Warmaster666, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. Warmaster666

    Warmaster666 Forum Apprentice

    I stopped playing DSO about 4 months ago, for many reasons, but mainly because of the bad drops, stupid PvP matchmaking and all the little bugs.

    And I thought 4 months is plenty of time for the devs to fix the stuff, so today I checked the forum, to see what the new releases brought.

    Just from reading the forum, no improvements at all in drops and PvP. At least they tried some bug fixing with 109. But hey, maybe they were too busy with the dwarf.

    So, I have 2 questions:
    1. Will BP ever increase the drop? And I'm talking here about everything: items, gems, ander, coins. Everything, cuz playing PvE was a mind numbing UNrewarding activity. Grinding for hours for little ander and green items, which I refused to do, obviously.
    2. Will BP ever fix PvP? At least a little. No more low lvl and rank VS high lvl and rank. And, more importantly, in my opinion, close the gap a little between heavy shoppers and the rest (casual shoppers and F2P).

    Thanks in advance to all guys who will share their opinions in this thread.

    P.S.: I still don't play DSO. Not until the stuff that bothers me will be fixed. It's not just me. Why do you think most of the old veteran players have left? DSO has great potential (the reason why I bother to write this), but BP makes bad decisions all the time. Why the hell don't they improve?
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    It's still the same. Drops are as bad as ever, if not worse. PvP is terribly imbalanced for low levels and f2p's.

    My advice; if you got out, it's best to stay out. Things have only been getting worse lately. The disregard of players' opinions and obvious greed-motivated decisions are now at startling levels. I guess I'm stupid, or a masochist, because I'm still here.
    ToshiBoy likes this.
  3. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    wish i could give u some good news. unfortunately good things have no bussiness in dso.

    i havent seen any single user feedback being implemented lately. rather devs continue to do excatly opposite. and pvp? damn so many ppl complaing and yet not even a single attempt to make things right. the difference b/w a p2p and f2p is so crazy at the moment
  4. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    All you have to do is wait. One day it will all be clear; just pray you have the vision to see and realize the day has come... to say goodbye. This game has been going downhill for years now, but is it downhill enough?

    Maybe the laws of motion will kick in and like all things(most) going downhill, DSO, too, will have the momentum to roll back up at the opposite side.
  5. kaiser

    kaiser Forum Apprentice

    same probs with pvp and drops and grinding
    i quit too
    ToshiBoy likes this.
  6. Kasherinae

    Kasherinae Junior Expert

    On the bright side, I have seen little activity from that abusive moderator, so apparently they listen to some things.
  7. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    still bad nothing new here, same old lag and bugs.. yet we are still here...
    why you ask because we all have friends here and still fun to play...

    always a pleasure
  8. Warmaster666

    Warmaster666 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you all for your input. Too bad, I guess I'll go have fun someplace else for another 4 months.

    TheInfamous, always the optimist. Only time will tell if the game will sink or roll back up. But it will not be long until we know for sure, cuz now is downhill enough.

    Thanks for advice, Multi-sev. These damned masochists everywhere. In the mirror too ;)

    Who, TheDunkey? He probably got fired ROFL
    Not that being a mod is a real job anyway ;-)
  9. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    Probably the best answer.
  10. Warmaster666

    Warmaster666 Forum Apprentice

    Yes, true. That's why I gave special thanks to Multi-Sev. And he was right about the masochist part too. There are players, probably many, that are disappointed by this game, yet they still play. BP will not drastically improve the game unless they are forced to do so. There are 3 main ways for us players to force BP:
    1. Quit the game (what I did), and stay out until you see changes being made. They don't like it when numbers go down.
    2. In case of shoppers, just stop paying (extra step, also quit). They don't like it when revenue goes down, obviously.
    3. Really BAD feedback on forums, from ALL players (this method is rather weak compared to the other two, since BP doesn't seem to be really interested by feedback; just once or twice I saw them implementing stuff from feedback, when the whole forum was in an uproar).
  11. Callisto

    Callisto Forum Pro

    I can say 1010% that more than once or twice things have been implmented from feedback, things that come to the top of my mind:

    A whole new PvP system (Even if it needs more work)
    A new class
    More events
    Gnob item requests
    Level Extension
    Nerfing essence in PvP

    I'm sure a few players that have been around since Beta days could add much more.
    Master0fpuppets likes this.
  12. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Lots of feedback has been implemented, I can confirm that.

    I wonder why Dwarf was the class we were given... back then we had a lot of requests for some healer-type or assassin-type character; I don't recall many requests for dwarf class.

    Anyhow, do we have any official information on that double-wielder class that we saw in one of dso's videos? I thought it was really cool; I hope that project hasn't been cancelled.
    ToshiBoy likes this.
  13. ToshiBoy

    ToshiBoy Someday Author

    Sure, but the essentials, such as PvP matchmaking are worse than ever. If you are a high level player, PvP is pretty much all you have left. I have been around since beta days, and I remember the days when you got one point for battles and all that jazz. Sure, back then level 1's went against level 40s and we only had XP, and none of the other trees. These days, you have the honour tree, and on that you still have level 1's going up against level 40's. How that is an improvement and implementation of what this forum has been asking for - in my case for over 18 months - is beyond me.
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That is not true!
    Back then PVP was hilarious and you know that but you won't admit it.
  15. ToshiBoy

    ToshiBoy Someday Author

    Yeah, it was, but then there also wasn't the need to be good at it, because we didn't have the PvP tree and just played for equipment and the Robert Rampage quests.
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Well what is the point of doing pvp if you don't have to improve.
    We had better matchmaking system but it was ruled out because of very long waiting for match.
    And I think it is better this way.
  17. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    The game actually isn't bad, it just needs a complete overhaul. I am hoping they are taking all the failures of this version of DSO and creating a new DSO that is balanced for all, (P2P still will have any and all advantages, get over it F2P already)
    I've been in game since day 1 of open beta and have seen it all. Played it when it was nothing but xp grinding, when there were so few unique items in game, when PvP was an all level free for all and yes, that was hilarious.
    They have improved most aspects of the game and ruined one basically, PvP. But whatever. BP/DSO in trying to create a signature BP unique PvP experience created instead a herd of rabid elephants running amok in the cane fields trampling the villagers to goo.
    They refuse to admit that they were not prepared with the new PvP program to make it work with the amount of diversely ranked player toons in game. But we have to realize that in between it all, BP corporate was floundering losing investors and in shopping new investors they did consolidate staff, lay staff off, cut corners to show that they could be even more profitable. And I am sure the dev team took a hit in prioritizing too.
    They are trying to get Game of Thrones out so there's dev manpower working on that game because HBO is a bigger client than you or me.
    There is not a BP game out there that does not make the player base angry. All gaming companies have that issue. There isn't a game on the market that is perfect or "fair" because some spend and some don't, and those who don't demand equality and the same perks as those who spend.
    I don't know. I play the game casually now. More to see a few friends. I have learned to temper my expectations. I like the game.
    PvP unfair? Don't do it. Take a break, go outside, get some sun and fresh air. Or do like so many and create a twink, group up and get the KoTO at level 20. It takes zero effort now in PvP at low level to create a high ranked toon. Even if you are F2P, all you need is a good group of friends or guild that will help you. "But I don't want to start over!!!", well then for now accept the fact PvP is a mess and quit complaining about it.
    The game is as bad as you allow it to be for you personally.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2014
  18. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    One of the biggest messed up parts of PvP (among many others) is 6v6 defense. The structures all have the same HP as they always did, back to when we were all lvl 40 with mediocre gear and DPS chars didn't do ungodly amounts of damage. Defense is nigh impossible in 6v6; it needs a complete overhaul.
  19. Warmaster666

    Warmaster666 Forum Apprentice

    Sure, but let me tell you from my experience. I've played the game from the end of May 2013 to the beginning of November 2013. In total, 5 months of DSO, with my only character, a DK. In the beginning, the game seemed decent, with room for improvement. My first event was Sargon 2.0, which I enjoyed, and also got my first horse, which I couldn't ride yet haha. At around lvl 18, I decided to be a PvP player, and started doing PvP more seriously. By November, I was a lvl 34 Seasoned KotO DK, as a pure F2P. But from May to Nov 2013, the game entered a downward spiral, and a lot of "new features" I disliked were introduced into the game. Most of these new features were pushing us to buy premium, which wouldn't be such a problem, cuz all MMOs need money to exist, but some were intentionally introducing frustration (like more coin piles with less amount, make us click like monkeys, unless we had premium; something funny: piles of "2 copper" from Sigris LOL). And events started to be impossible without essences. And timed items. And variable stats on uniques, etc.

    So, has any player asked for timed items and variable stats on uniques and crazy hard events and mindless grind with lower item drops and less ander? Answer: hell NO. In all my time in DSO, I have seen no implemented feedback. In the past, maybe BP was listening to players, but now, not so much. But hey, maybe it's just me :cool:
    redwood8 and Apolon80 like this.
  20. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Well, due to the considerable amount of complaints about timed items, such items were removed and won't be rewarded again. So there's one example of implemented feedback.

    I agree with you about the premium stuff. It was a cheap shot on BPs part.

    I've been playing this game since... whew long ago.. my first event was the easter event of 2012. I didn't like it because other players kept stealing the barrels that gave event items. I did like the concept, though. We were given quests by the NPC that rewarded event items directly, which meant you can just do the event for 1 item of your choice instead of having to work your way up the progress bar. Anyways, having played for so long I can tell you that the community along with BP are like a broken record. Always the same types of arguments, same types of frustrations, same types of everything. BP introduces a way to get more money... players complain about the unfairness it would bring. Who cares, BP goes through with it. Then another idea to get money after another. Players continue complaining but they fall on deaf ears. The only time feedback gets implemented is when these forums are in uproar... not because of mere complaints.
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