Low game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Siloviti, Mar 9, 2014.

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  1. Siloviti

    Siloviti Forum Greenhorn

    This is a very bad game ... No trade and full of bugs .... I have tried to resolve the event and of course I failed because instead of taking 100 Stone ( as required by the task ) he takes everything from inventory ( meaning that it does not matter whether I I have 160 pieces or 100 pieces ) ! ! The game is too expensive for us who live in smaller countries, which then gives a great advantage for example, the Germans ... the game is " free " as a free bread .... I can only say that I will not play this game more and not even my friends . Lost .. 6 players who would gladly have given some money in this game just as you neglect the game proves that you did not improve in the interest of the game but what better charge . Can you just say that more and more people ( the players ) that I know wants to stop playing this game but hope that you will do something regarding the price and the difference between the players who pay the game and the players who do not have money to pay for this game ... I would like you to place the label that pays games and not to cheat people called " free to play" ... support for the game is desperate ... Consider whether it is better that you pay 30 euros 10,000 people or more that 1,000 000 people paid 10 euros ? ? If you have not thought about it , then you would be better to start because after this I see , we deeply hurt " that thing " for small consumers who are also the largest consumer in the world ... Thank you for nothing ...
  2. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Always a F2P vs a P2P debate. The game is completely free. Let's say 10 F2P decide to guild up and just help each other in PvE and PvP. Those 10 could climb the fame tree ranks faster than a solo playing P2P like myself. Those 10 could get through all the PW quests faster than I can at as solo P2P looking for groups constantly.
    If the F2P would stop feeling sorry for themselves and buckle down and unite to play the game, you might realize it could be a LOT of fun. You have 6 friends who quit? Why? You 7 could be climbing the PvP rank tree right now with each other.
    Granted the game seems to be neglected at times from the dev side, but look at the reality of it. It's not THE SOLE BP game. They don't have a staff of 10 devs assigned to the game 24/7, we're lucky to get the 2 or 3 that break away from the next title to fix bugs, etc..
    It seems to be I am always sounding like I'm a BP employee advocating their game, ( I am not btw. ), but truth is there should be a difference in P2P and F2P. And trade? There's been a hundred threads on trade started and the answer is the same. It won't happen as the player base corrupts it and turns it into a player profit entity and there are 1000000 waiting Asian gamers who will spend 24/7 here farming to get the edge in a game trade system. And you think prices are bad now, let a corrupt trade monopoly player group control game trade. That's when the game turns to dooky for everyone.
    p.s. Why are you multi posting your thread in another forum area?
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