Server Change

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by daywaker2, Nov 29, 2013.

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  1. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    The problem is: What if most people moves away from the server you moved to? Then your one time chance would be gone along with your money AND you might not like it in your new server. Also, what if lots of people have the same idea to move to the same server?
  2. Ralph

    Ralph Someday Author

    It's not about moving permanently. What I have in mind is that you can log in to any server or your character will be playable in any server. So if you are not getting any game on 3v3, 5v5, or 6v6 you can log in to a different server where the population bar shows higher.
  3. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    This is the exact problem why it doesn't work. You can't jump around servers because you are not supposed to. That would mess everything up.If you can change servers anytime, it would turn into a mess.
  4. Torefas

    Torefas Padavan

    You forget about latency (which is my problem). What makes you think people in Tegan with 100ms average ping (for example) want to move to european server where they have 300ms ping?
  5. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    What if many move? Tegan's latency would just go up. Not only you want to move because of latency. How do you know Tegan's player amount won't exceed euro servers? (especially with server move).
  6. Torefas

    Torefas Padavan

    Main problem that affect latency is not the amount of player in one server but the geographic location of the player. So how is people from europe want to move to US server?
  7. Hextrasher

    Hextrasher Forum Duke

    Great Idea..and her is yours really Mainchar:eek:

    Inappropriate image
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 5, 2013
  8. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    lol, why didn't you choose server closest to your region in the beginning? Sorry that I didn't know what you mean by latency in the beginning. I might as well complain why don't they have servers elsewhere. Just saying.
  9. Torefas

    Torefas Padavan

    Both UN and US are far from me and I don't know which is better. As a newbie in game I pick the first server name on the list. Until one day I found out how to ping but it's too late to start over again. And there are lots of people like. In my guild around 10 people have same problem.
  10. Muscle

    Muscle Forum Pro

    Trade system and Server changing: Fantastic ideas, but BP will never make those.
  11. ~IceAngel~

    ~IceAngel~ Junior Expert

    Woah! there trading would ruin the game..

    Server login would be cool though.
  12. MENTOL

    MENTOL Living Forum Legend

    The man made a mistake, and at the beginning chose a bad server. He should be given the opportunity to change the server.
  13. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    Yes i hope the day will come for change servers....all forum post this threads and much guys want it...
    Max likes this.
  14. Muscle

    Muscle Forum Pro

    If you mean "their" then you're absolutley right about that lol, they will probably create it different than all other trading systems compared to other games, and even that is IF they ever make a trading system lol.
  15. ~IceAngel~

    ~IceAngel~ Junior Expert

    Don't think they will not very likely because people would just trade items to eachother like i ofthen get excess junk like i gone through 3 sets or more of yachak that i dump or melt also things like predador, dark set,ect.. imagine if just just traded all that for something else...people wouldnt but as many ander to get stronger they would just farm hod 4hours and trade the drops for yachaks and predadors that other people have several of anyways
  16. Ralph

    Ralph Someday Author

    No player to player direct trading. An Auction House system is better, no risk of scams and the system manages all the trading. Just leave your items on the Auction NPC, put cashout bid then just check after a couple of hours if any of your items are sold or bid for by other players.
  17. Muscle

    Muscle Forum Pro

    I mean a trade system like, Player puts an item for trade then if someone is interested, he whispers or whatever with the player and then they start making deals on what to trade with, if they have made a deal, both players ave to put the items in the trading shop are sumtin like dat, and they swap automatically so those who try and steal peoples items without giving them another item isn't possible. But yeah your idea will do 2. I want any kind of trading system that allows us to trade ITEMS only n anyway, but keeps noobs and scammers away
  18. Spikecloud

    Spikecloud Forum Greenhorn

    I would like the game to have a trading system too. Its kind of boring that you would get gold, but not use it as much then a auction house or market place. It would be nice to get a auction house so I have a reason to have extra money use for other items I want
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