Producer Dialogue |#Botbanning

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by RickTalrok, Apr 10, 2014.

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  1. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    you should all just give it up. BP have planned this long and surely taking care every possibility so those law sue stuff you make is just ridiculous.. just give up man, seriously. it's not gonna help in anyway.

    be glad that they still welcomes you to join game and play fair and enjoy with a new account. :D

    and if there are TRULY innocent (like all you 6000 :D) that is banned ill wish the best luck for your battle. it's gonna be hard struggle even to get their attention with this matter :) and i don't mean every other one of you who just have "tested" the bot or just used for day or something like that but truly innocent who has nothing to do with botprogram :)
  2. mije_drobnjak

    mije_drobnjak Forum Apprentice

    Firefly you are very stupid, if some wants to play game, he can use other account, why that it's not hard, i have 3 strong accounts to play again, but i will never play this shit of game, because they banned me, for one day using bot, and it's not same like players who use bot for farm. In that way no metter, you are idiot, and discution is over for me for this stupid game, and very stupid admins.
    Firefly likes this.
  3. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    Bye bye rofl.....

    Always A Pleasure
  4. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    sorry, really... but its so nice to rub salt in bot users wounds that i can't help myself to provocate you :D but i understand that for some reason you are not going to come and nail me again in the ground with your bot-builded-bully? so all i can say is see you later, alligator :)
  5. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    ToS is iron clad. There is absolutely nothing any banned person can do about being punished for cheating. And it's almost sadly hilarious reading posts justifying their cheating and how "innocent" it was.
    Threats of legal recourse are just pathetic. It's like Don Quixote tilting at windmills, you will lose as BP is an immovable object and you are soft and squishy. Most will just spout their indignation here and after a week or 2 they will start new characters and try to get away with cheating again. But pretty sure BP has embedded bot detectors in their programs by now so again, people will get banned.
    It is actually refreshing to see a game that has taken measures against cheating. A cheater may see the measure as drastic but if I may speak for the honest player base, "WAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!". That is what you sound like. A crying baby.
    If your ban is an actual mistake, according to you, then send in a support ticket.
    You have to realize that by now support is flooded with valid requests and probably thousands of just useless, mean, angry letters from cheaters who are just too stupid to realize that ToS was and is warning enough to us all about illegal game manipulation.
    So if support doesn't get back to you in a day or 2, it's all because 6000 people have flooded their inbox so hush up, wait your turn and go do something else for a while.
    Many of you here need to realize that your home language to english translator software is kind of bad.
    We like our mods here, we try not to make them mad. We try not to attack them because they are stuck between us and the dev/tech team and they do not deserve any abuse from us for things they have no control over.
    You need to leave our forum now. It was nice and peaceful here. Start a new forum account and go back to your own forums where people actually understand what you are trying to say.
    You can find the BP corporate address on the website. But I'm sure even that will take time as receiving a thousand angry letters will only annoy the person who has to open them and responding to them may take even longer than sending in a support ticket.
    No pity here for any cheater. Now go away.
  6. Iamboredwtf

    Iamboredwtf Active Author

    Close this thread and give them a mailbox to write too.
  7. sqwrm

    sqwrm Forum Greenhorn

    Listen to the cheaters whine and cry! CHEATERS LIARS AND THIEVES ARE ALL THE SAME. When they get caught they try to put the blame on everyone but themselves. Now you finally get what you deserve and rightfully so. Thank you, Rick Talrock for the best improvement this game has ever seen and I look forward to many more improvement in the future.
    RalphZeggers likes this.
  8. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Are you ok kido, to much games for you?
    Hannah and sunovabit like this.
  9. Haha now all players gone who told me in arena "Noob".
    Now I ask, who is the noob? :)) Go cry to mama...
    Maybe I'm noob, but what I have, I did it myself, not cheat or bot ^^
    Hannah and Paulusvonkrossov like this.
  10. Paavelson

    Paavelson Junior Expert

    This is not right to delete characters on assumption what they have done to game.
    Just punish by justified means by removing all gems and inventory with stuff in it.
    As the bot script hunt have been running a long time, devs can see how much they have dont to game, and those players yes indeed get permanent ban with deletion of character.

    Give them a chance to redeem from evil and show them to light as list who have been naughty. so players can have eye of them. but that never gonna happen.
    lolo222 and m0on like this.
  11. They have chance to change, on a new acc :))
  12. Lordcl

    Lordcl Junior Expert

    Great job banning the cheaters.
    let them play fair and see how it was playing against over powered characters.

  13. berritxarrakk

    berritxarrakk Someday Author

    this is what I call a quality product, and encouraged to continue consuming congratulations for this change
    but please stop by server weriam that there still using things like nothing happened
  14. tip-top

    tip-top Junior Expert

    Hi RickTalrok

    I have some questions wich many players ask them self.
    Game admins have acces to players accounts from their contries ?
    If players who have clean accounts and they killed a certain boss for almost 2 yars.why do not have drop ?
    How is it possible that in some gulids the drops of uniques from Kahlys,Mortis,Destructor in 90% and in another 1% ?
    Have uniques drops obtained with bots, negative influence on another "clean" players drop ? For example : on Heredur server are "x'' accounts banned with an ''x'' uniques and from 6000 bot users banned have 75% uniques
    If is no problem,please,verify my account beacouse after 2 yars of killings at the same boss no unique weapon drop it is too much

    RalphZeggers likes this.
  15. Ezana

    Ezana Forum Greenhorn

    what happened to the almighty newbie producer? did they fire him already or something
    RickTalrok likes this.
  16. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Cheater, hackers, and crackers have been addressed. Thank you. It's a major first step for legitimate players who love the game.
    Maybe the next big issue could be quality of service. The level of disconnects and the increasing nuisance of lag is seriously driving players off of game time.
    Whatever the causes, BigPoint is left holding the bag and taking the heat.
    What can you do to make the mechanics of the game better or more reliable?
  17. Gazovshik99

    Gazovshik99 Forum Apprentice

    Rick Hello I am certainly glad that bots removed from the game ... but why such large scales? 6000 players .... You know what this is a significant number, then you think about their income? After you lose your regular audience of players! I hope you smiluites on these players and do so, the bot will not work in the game, and you can not ban players and this program ....
  18. Gazovshik99

    Gazovshik99 Forum Apprentice

    Still would like to know what will happen to servers "Balor and Werian." Because in the bath is a large number of players, and all other things constant balor players and Veria, which would be the two servers?!
  19. Callisto

    Callisto Forum Pro

    DSO has millions of registered users, it might not appear that way, but 6000 is just a tiny little notch to lose. ;)
    Burn84 likes this.
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    So I've been reading on the bot forums. It is even funnier than reading all the posts in this thread. Here are my thoughts.

    First of, congrats to the Bot Developer for coming up with a way around the release and getting your bot working again with the new release. I'm impressed, really am. However, it doesn't change the fact that all 6000 of those confirmed accounts are never getting unbanned. Add in the fact that it is now a know fact that BP monitors all play and gathers data in order to do large waves of banns a time, it is stupidity and game suicide to start over and not play fair. Otherwise, the idiots who think that the bot developer has their best interests at heart (as opposed to... say money) are just fooling themselves. They may get away with botting for a week, or they my get away with it for a month, but they will be caught and banned again. So, unless they want to pay the bot developer to start fresh every month or two, they would be better off just playing fair from here on out. DSOBot, your time is up, and your sales are going to start disappearing. And I couldn't be more pleased!

    LOL, Or they are having so many botters like you complaining that it is taking forever to write all of you back and tell you "Sorry, but you screwed yourself over!"

    Like the mod told you when you brought this up before, you better contact the developers through support so that you don't get banned and anyone who uses your program doesn't end up blaming you.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 12, 2014
    GamesShortCut and multitoonz like this.
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