Who won the August Stellar Gold prizes?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Slitrobo, Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. Slitrobo

    Slitrobo Forum Connoisseur

    I tried looking in the old forum but maybe I missed it. Were the winners announced?
  2. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    I don't think they had cash prizes.. it was just a widely liked event so they put it up for essence, dyes, cots, ander, and etc.
  3. Beaztmode

    Beaztmode Forum Connoisseur

    I asked it 1-2 months ago. :D

    They said to me they will let us know but they hasn't given an answer yet. :rolleyes:
  4. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Yup no cash but instead the prizes were supposed to be Razer gear from the razerzone.com store. The last official post on the old forum was something like they were still trying to contact all the winners. No word since (at least on the en forums.)

    Luck be with ye,
  5. Ashelia59650

    Ashelia59650 Active Author

    The cashprizes were cancelled, and the winners got lost xD?
    I doubt there is a court bailiff, in the end we will never have any proof whatever happened.
    Beaztmode likes this.
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