Watery Grave and the spawn of "Gapper" seeking twinks

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by multitoonz, May 1, 2014.

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  1. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    So I had to laugh yesterday in Grim Atrium. Some 33's were sending out blind group requests looking for a lvl 45 to carry them in PW. Twink toons all of them of course and I politely declined to assist.
    For you level 31's + who think you can even dent a lvl 45 Boss regardless of how many you are in a group with 1 lvl 45, think again. You get one shot killed and the 45 has to carry the load of staggered difficulty PW. It's not worth it for the 45 to even try to help.
    Play your own levels like the game should be played.
    Ray, [kreg], Master0fpuppets and 2 others like this.
  2. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    Just let them rush in and die, they will think you will revive them, that's a big joke lol
    They will learn the hard way that they need to do it for themselves and not count on higher levels helping them....

    Always A Pleasure
    Soxx... :D
  3. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    So it was you, who gave me a BIG slap in the face, when i asked you to join my group...what the H... bro, come on i only want to have some fun...:D
    Now i won't help you to kill Mortis:D

    I never ask lvl 45 anyways...only lvl 36/38 for now.
    Killing at lvl 38 is already too hard for me, i can't even imagine at lvl 45.
    I will get there one day, unless BP keeps raising the difficulty of PW.
    Master0fpuppets and multitoonz like this.
  4. dragonlordz

    dragonlordz Junior Expert

    The only time that I personally will have a small lvl player ( lvl 30-39 ) is when they are so small that i feel bad for them, the big full legendary gear knight of the orders do not need to be begging for help in my opinion..... I am not saying boosting small players is fair however if you are bigger and have free time when a tiny person asks i do it, for it was at lvl 30 myself that a lvl 40 helped me when they were farming in an area i needed to finish quests from and we are still friends to this date. Don't be harsh to the little guys if they are struggling show them how to do it on their own, if they cant and you have free time help them and they will be the happiest little players in the world :)
  5. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    @dragonlordz such a lovely post :) I agree, those little players are adorable, I enjoy helping them and making them happy, that always brightens my day, specially when they appreciate it :D
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  6. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant

    Yeah, i have never helped a twink and im not gonna do it. I already dislike the idea of making an OP low-lv char, to mass-kill new players who don´t even know what hit them. Ofcourse they meet players like themselves, but i still think that low-lv twinks is the nooby way of getting to lv 40 fame. It is the easy way of killing players who don´t stand any chance at all. And also the fact that helping twinks is extreeme waste of time and efford.
    And those KotO´s+ begging for help... come on!
    Lv up and find some of your own size!
    Ray and Bearer-of-Death like this.
  7. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    I'd rather not know what hit me and quit the game at level 15 than play for 3 years and finally realize how messed up and unfair it is. It's not about Op low level characters being detrimental, it's about OP characters ruining the fun... regardless of level. That's my opinion, anyways.
    Bearer-of-Death and silverseas like this.
  8. [kreg]

    [kreg] Someday Author

    I too have had a flood of lower lvls doing this. And when I decline I am getting told EDIT in philappno, (or what ever other language). This is on Tegan server. A server that is Supposed to be english speaking . Thats a joke very few speak english. this is uneceptable. Please do something about this DSO. thank you
    Last edited by moderator: May 12, 2014
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  10. vixmax

    vixmax Someday Author

    I have a level 45 sw and variously levelled chars in each of the classes.(Tegan)
    I find these days its very difficult to even find full groups for pws below lvl 45. so if im playing my lvl 45 with friends we often let a little player come along for fun, it doesn't hurt us anyway.
    and conversely when im playing my lower level toons I really appreciate other 45s letting me tag along. I realize im not helping much, but im trying :)
    longtime players had the benefit of everyone basically trying to complete pws at about the same pace and at one level. now its all over the map.
    anyhow, I understand where the op is coming from, but it also might be nice to help out the players around you once in awhile. just to keep the game going a bit. especially on Tegan...
    [kreg] and Bearer-of-Death like this.
  11. -LordZod-

    -LordZod- Forum Apprentice

    I don't mind a lower level tagging along while I farm the regular maps, but a group of lower levels in PWs or in Events are a no-go from the start. Sometimes we have ONE low level guy tagging along in a group of level 45 in PW and that's always good.

    Sometimes, I even go to Grimmford and just stand around in the urban area to answer questions for new starters.
  12. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I am nice too (when I want to be). I don't mind helping low levels who want legitimately want help, but I hate veteran players who are just looking for an XP blocker or someone who will do all the work for them so that they can benefit for the purpose of PvP. That is the difference.
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