2 Handed Weapons (showcase and talk - DK only)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Master0fpuppets, May 5, 2016.

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What 2H Weapon do you prefer over all?

Poll closed Mar 28, 2017.
  1. 2H Sword

    12 vote(s)
  2. 2H Axe

    41 vote(s)
  3. 2H Hammer

    19 vote(s)
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  1. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    hmm .. I don't know I just happen to like when am hiting fast more damage per second, a lot more. there is a bit diference in doing 1 smash per second and 2 smash per second it is devestating even with low damage for a 2-h if you can hit 2 times in 1 second - critical hit or not
  2. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    I know what you're thinking, but if you actually calculate the speed bonus is absolutely junk. If max speed on 2h sword is 7% and weapon dmg is 50+% weapon bonus, why not go for the 50+% ? 50% is a lot for 2h weapon. that 7% speed difference won't help you. It is logical to aim for the stats that actually got increased from a 1h weapon instead of the stat that is decreased. 7% on a 1.05 atk speed doesn't increase a lot, but 7% on a 1.18 already increases much more and 7% isn't even near high side of speed bonus.
    Ray likes this.
  3. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Lets calculate that speed mate:
    I get +7% attack speed on a base of 1.05 = 1.12 base speed + 5 polished and 2 radiant sapphire + 2% on unique gems = 1.56 speed.
    Now all damage and weapon damage with out speed = 1.47 speed
    Big diference in hiting speed, especialy when you do want to smash "things".
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    In the spirit of having a place to discuss the pros and cons of 2H weapons as it applies to PvP, I started a new thread with poll. Hopefully a mod can move some of the posts over there and clean this thread back up.
  5. I have taken some of the argument of 1H vs 2H for PvP and moved them to the thread Baragain created. In the future, please keep your debate on PvP validity of 2H weapons there and your discussion of 2H weapons in general here.
  6. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Thanke you.
  7. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    I need to know where do you farm for extraordinary 2H swords, is it in m2?... cause i've dropped only 2 in about 100 runs lol ... and other thing.. stat values have same max and min for extra and legendaries?.. thanks in advantage!!..
  8. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    What level are you and can you play khalys hard?
  9. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    killed him a lot of times (missed the account)... i melted twice viper pauldrons.. why, does she drop 2H swords? ... cause still haven't get any there...
  10. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I run map 2 exclusively for my 2H swords. I collect enough to build one roughly every 3-4 days. I also farm Thunder Crest for one green 2h or one blue 2h to throw into the mix every time to make the final level of the sword LVL 43. Reason is that a LVL 43 weapon (or armor or shield for that matter) has slightly better base stats when upgraded to LVL 45 than a LVL 45 has to begin with.
    And the difference just gets better as you continue to level it up.
    Basically, It is a gamble. I put a little extra effort into creating the swords in the hope that I eventually get one with good stats and get to take advantage of the better base stats of a LVL 43 sword. It also costs 120 CoTs less to identify.
    thebearreturns likes this.
  11. GamesShortCut

    GamesShortCut Exceptional Talent

    crafting :)
    very nice strategy. Very good job. Guess I will have to search for new one as well :D
  12. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    It will be hard for you to find any better than you have (even with the low level advantage)... at least if my experience is any indicator.:p
  13. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    woow thank you so much for the info!! i apreciate it :D , i got currently 3 pinks .. but i'm just thinking about looking for 2H hammer cause basic damage... so i do more dmg and recover more health by using mighty swing.. or using dragon's fury.. may be i don't hit so often with a single attack
  14. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    She does, and not pink but legendary. :)
  15. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    last night dropped gems, legendary armor, legendary ring and tons of pinks, but no 2H weapons :( ... anyway glyphs are welcome! :D , now i'm going for Baragain suggestion hehe
  16. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Good luck on that, it's not easy to get drop on 43lvl that is more then a green item and even that is hard to get. I know about that for 4 moths now, am surprised you figured out now and not sooner.
  17. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    i didn't realise 2H weapons until i dropped leyend (unique axe).. then i did change master skills to 2H... and later i saw goodmoods dmg stats somewhere hehe and he was not carring leyend.. that made me think about...
  18. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    An excellent 2H weapon to get you started is the Steam Axe. It is a merchant unique available in Andrakasch. It is LVL 43 when you buy it, and it has 100% weapon damage and 300 crit. I've leveled mine up to 47 and it has 355 crit. It is expensive (16900 Ander) but was well worth the farming. (I'm F2P so it took forever to farm for it) If you wait for it to be on sale though, it is only 12675. There are better legendaries, but this axe will do you well until you find one.
  19. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    seems great, but so far i only have 1 radiant ruby (+15) and polished one (+10), the other weapons gems i got are: 1 radiant sapphire (+6.5), polished one (+5), 1 radiant onyx (+120) and 3 polished (+80 each), so for getting more benefit from this axe i need stock many more rubies. Anyway comparing Leyend vs steam axe without gems i can see steam axe is better, so i'll go for it after unlock legendary 2H sword i crafted today :D , but i'm pretty sure i'll must farm 10.000 anders for steam axe
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Every spare bit of ander I farm goes into gem sales. Those gems you see also represent over 2.5 years of farming.
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