Drakensang For Android

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Teleportist, Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. Teleportist

    Teleportist Advanced

    I've just found this on Google Play, but haven't had a chance to download yet...

    EDIT * link removed since can't find what is on it.

    BP isn't listed as the developer. Did they farm this out to another development house?

    Has anyone installed this yet?
    Last edited by moderator: May 3, 2014
  2. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    lol this doesn't seem like drakensang at all, but who knows.
  3. milek85

    milek85 Someday Author

    that is not a game. there no way that you can play that thing on android
  4. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Yeah, that guy who made it just put screenshots of DSO. The reviews said it wasn't a game.. except a few saying 'good game' 'best game' etc.. probably a team that upvote each other's reviews.

    lol, that one picture of a SW using Destruction? Has Ranger skill-bar.

    That Character Selection? That's not even DSO.

    What a joke.
  5. Teleportist

    Teleportist Advanced

    Yes. Looking closer this is very misleading.
    I don't know what the uploader stands to gain.
    Hopefully Google will remove this.
  6. Marky66

    Marky66 Forum Greenhorn

    ive tried to play this game on android but always get the update java senario. is it possible to play on an android browser?
    If not, devs must get their EDIT in gear and get it up and running.
    Mobile is the way to go.
    ive got a Galaxy S4 and it can cope with anything. i also have a bluetooth keyboard. Can't see a problem.
    Last edited by moderator: May 3, 2014
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Android you say huh? :D
    Not supported.
    You can't play this game on mobile phone.
  8. Aolani2

    Aolani2 Forum Greenhorn

    dso I would love to see a andriod app of the game. A app really from you guys
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I would like Drakensang souvenir fridge magnets!
  10. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    I'll remember that for next time you come in Split :cool:
  11. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Android app probably won't happen, this game won't load on a phone and will not be playable on a phone. Well, if they ever make one, I'll enjoy owning all those phone pvpers.
  12. Sheik

    Sheik Forum Apprentice

    If your phone surpport java, you can play it on your phone
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