Gnob - The Event Merchant, May [Feedback]

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Heroes of Dracania: please feel free to post your experience and comments regarding the Gnob [May] visit. Positive or negative (constructive) criticism and ideas for improvements are, as always, welcome. Your Drakensang Online Team. Keep discussions on-topic.
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  2. Kravito

    Kravito Forum Apprentice

    Gnob is always welcome to Kingshill.
    Just missing the same things as like 1 or 2 years ago......
    [​IMG] Sweetly blow a kiss
    DesertKoala and Master0fpuppets like this.
  3. Tyrionlannister12345

    Tyrionlannister12345 Forum Greenhorn

    When is the next event.. Most probable date?
  4. skillarea1

    skillarea1 Active Author

    Allogeneous, will old full moon equipment be sold by gnob?
    i like old fullmoon equipment, thanks
  5. Coograth

    Coograth Someday Author

    As our community manager said : it is very likely that all old item sets will be available someday with the Gnob or Shady John...

    But the sets from New Moon and Full Moon events will be available with the new upcoming event. Probably somewhere in the summer :D
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  6. Μorfeas

    Μorfeas Junior Expert

    i hope the days that Gnob stays in Kingshill, BP run some event so we can collect more spend!!!!!
  7. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Today at 12PM.
  8. Brainiacranger

    Brainiacranger Forum Greenhorn

    I need to get drakens for my other character please give another event
  9. nawaf99

    nawaf99 Forum Greenhorn

    :) Hoo ah ! i wait to open game :)
  10. Spyke00

    Spyke00 Regular

    where is it that gnob ? you forget to add him in patch ?:D
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
  11. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Same gnob release as the one in new year., only 2 new items(costumes,dyes,mounts and emotes all are the same). From scale of 1 to 10, my score, for this release, is -16. GJ guys
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  12. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    Yes this is really really bad... they try to do most fantastic events they can and try to get everybody to enjoy and have and so on... then when everyone have pockets full of nuts the gnob sells only EDIT :( your hard work kinda loses the point when you get tons of "money" but you can't buy absolutely nothing. after you have full dark set you don't need anything from gnob. new set, okay it was decent but not good enough for best players, now it's even worse when they changed the stats.

    Gnob should have rewards that players who already have all equips they need can also benefit and make progress... -> like CoT's and gems and glyphs and so on... or atleast gem chests/bags. :) you devs just need to figure out how much 1 draken is worth in andermants so you can make the prizes reasonable for gnob :rolleyes:
    [kreg] likes this.
  13. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    We need:
    - New emots from Gnob
    - New mount's and epic mount
    - Old New Moon set & old Full Moon item's for Draken
    - New Costumes

    Gnob must come with some surprise every time he visit, at least 1-2 items or mount ... other wise .. people get angry at BP and are dissapointed.
    -HARRA81- likes this.
  14. Dark_Sinister

    Dark_Sinister Forum Apprentice

    First of all, I want to refer to this link . You Devs have given us a sneak peak/preview of items that the Gnob would offer to us. So the question is, where are those funny emotes, especially Kalinka Malinka, wich I have been waiting for over SIX MONTHS.

    I am a hardcore gamer addict, started to play this game for over a year ago, see my self as a veteran. I have a Dragon Knight level 45, and a Spellweaver level 38. Play every day and have spent OVER hundreds and hundreds of euro over time, just to manage to play solo in EVERY event, collecting Drakens. My personal rewards for playing countless hours, is when the Gnob arrives, twice a year. His may 2014 sell offers are a BIG dissapointment, I feel cheated.

    Its to late for you Devs to repair the damage you have caused to us. The draken we had, have mostly been spent on other MINOR items, instead on what we really wanted. When we look at the preview and compare it with what Gnob is selling, it seems like a trainee have had the task to lay out may offers and missed the RIGHT offers and put out the old offers from dec 2013.

    I had before this may Gnob, hardworked 4700 Drakens. Now I bought 3 of 4 items in the Dark set. Instead I would have bought a ring and Kalinka Malinka.

    The price of Sticky-as-tar Candy are incorrect as well. 20 to 80 Draken?

    Big Piont/Devs have to sit down and reson, what is most vorth, the veterans 20+ age who spend alot of money, or newbies who may not have the money and got tired of the game.

    Give us more to look forward to, and keep your promises above all!

    Hardcore player at Heredur
    44 year old Swedish gamer
    [kreg] and Bearer-of-Death like this.
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't need emotes.
    I don't need costumes.
    Why should I buy them when I have already discarded them at first place throughout all this time playing DSO.
    What are my options for spending drakens? None. I should be satisfied with one lame set called Dragonache.
    My drakens are earned with endless hard work and a lot of dedication.
    I don't say Gnob should not sell costumes and emotes, there are a lot of people who worked hard as I did ... and they should spend their drakens as they like.
    But my drakens I want to spend the way I like.
    I want to spend my drakens on new items (not moon items) on new epic mount.
    Gnob should offer different sets of gear.
    It is up to player to choose what kind of set it suits him best (or mix of them). For now I don't see that.
    Dark Armor set "next generation" would suit me well if you ask me ... I don't need moon crap. Epic mounts people .... make new epic mount ... Venomous Giant Spider epic mount for me please!!!

    Grimmag server Guru
    Klingon Epetai
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
    [kreg] and Veritas like this.
  16. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    They have had 6 months to get stuff ready for the gnob and this is what they give us lol... The dev's are a joke, no imagination....
    If think the gnob needs to leave possibly die so we might and i say might have a different seller, because the gnob is worthless....
    Please dont bother us with your events if you are not going to change what he sells....

    Always A Pleasure
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
    [kreg] likes this.
  17. perrush

    perrush Active Author

    to me it's simple. Drakens aren't wort anything anymore. In the past Gnob had 2 good things : dark set and CoT.

    Dark set is obsolete for most of end-gamers. CoT will probably never arrive anymore.

    Once the 1000-draken drops started, I knew drakens wouldn't be worth so much anymore. DSO is dead road imho. Always less for more :( I'ts sad, but it's true
    [kreg] and moby31 like this.
  18. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Devs don't understand that, apart from pvp, gnob is the only thing end game players want/wait for. What should i do when i'm not playing arena?, i play events to collect drakens, rewards sucks so they are excluded, next thing to do is to wait for gnob. Endless farming killed the last few neurons i had left in my brain(and i'm playing only 10 months, imagine guys that play this crap 2 years, they are zombies!), so what should i do now when i'm dissappointed to the core?, maybe quiting...
    [kreg] and soxx101 like this.
  19. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    The only reason why i was waiting for Gnob to come was for the Dark set and the Dragonache set. The dragonache set is too expensive, i only had 2800 draken. I had the dark helmet already, which is the only worthy piece of the set, and after looking at the other pieces i found out that it basically just gives a bunch of armor and a bit of crit hit rate. Using the dark (including it s bonuses) would make me lose 1k hp, a few hundred armor and 40 damage. The only 'positive' change would be and increase of 16% crit hit rate. And yes, i took the difference in lvl between dark items and my other items into account. And since i have sargons powerful torso from the last event, the dark chestpiece isnt worth it either.

    The dragonache items are ok, but too expansive for their stats. The dark items are trash and too expansive for their stats. Gues i ll be visiting gnob next time just to buy some 'sticky as tar' for bossfights.
    Last, I was hoping for some different costumes then last gnob event.
  20. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    New items from gnob epic fail ,why did u released the whole set after just second gnob visit ????
    some of us include myself don't have 12k drakens to buy whole set
    i was not lucky and i did't get 5x1000 jackpot
    this is what makes the game very unbalanced in pvp now
    Why the stats are all the same for all classes ?????? ,this is even worst ....
    Guys think twice before u'll decide to release witch set in next gnob visit
    I have been working really hard to get what i have ,for newbies this is like welcome starter
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