New event in TS

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Firefly, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes I got 2 ... but a friend of mine got 3 from 1 kill :)
    This event so far is very entertaining and I can't wait to see it on live server.
  2. Theranger

    Theranger Someday Author

    cant wait for new event :)
  3. _Dragonscale_

    _Dragonscale_ Advanced

    I hope we don't need to wait a long time... first we can't login, because of that annoying error, and now they are patching, which will probably fix the error.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    LOL, I love 2H and while I wouldn't mind the block from the new set, I survive just fine on Mortis without it. I heal 1.5k-3k with a mighty wild swing and when there are souls, one spin and I have full HP. Also, 2H is as fast if not faster against Mortis because the DPS for a 2H is higher... also, you use less Ess because ess use is based on hits, not total damage output. See, I am a F2P and can't afford tons of reds so it is more efficient for me to use a 2H. This set is gold for a 2H DK and those of us who are already deadly will just get deadlier.
  5. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Ah, old player with good memory. Lantern helmet came once for 50 draken.

    And there you go, one example of a 2h DK.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Or ask Goodmood (@GamesShortCut ) and see what his opinion is on 1h vs 2H... now there is a 2H DK that will put almost any 1H DK to shame!
  7. nasowas

    nasowas Junior Expert

    Sure after heavy investment but dropping so many hundreds of dollars or Euros in here seems a bit crazy, to me anyway. I would rather shine in real life than in a game. Anyway I stand by my preference and IF I get the gear it will be melted. Unless of course someone wants to by me 8 radiant sapphires and 2 radiant rubies. Then I may switch to 2 hander :D.
    The event on the other hand with so many quests required i.e. the Steam Mechanica 6 part set and let's not forget Gnob needs 100 keys for his quest....I think 7 days will not nearly be enough time for the average and F2P player. Assuming of course the mobs will be staggered per group size. Granted the red rings outside the dungeons are incredibly easy to solo and the red ring bosses in each dungeon are not difficult solo, but staggered difficulty and main event boss staggered make it a time consuming experience. Hoping they extend it to a 10 day event due to the massive farming that is required. Need 180 pearls alone for the Steam Mechanica quests going in and out, then if you want to farm the costumes in the other dungeons, there's hundreds more required. Plus you need to farm tokens of valor or whatever they are called to get into main boss and that's 50 a pop.
    They've turned an event into farmville style play with limited time to do it. But the serious P2P will of course have unlimited items needed but that's their play style. I like paying my bills instead and not having to eat cup o noodles daily because a game took all my cash lol.
  8. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    I'm sorry you got more than one thing wrong.
    First of all, Bargain didn't invest hundreds of euros, he played for 2 years or so. Secondly, if you are using a good legendary 2h, you would want full ruby if possible for max dmg as you would have increase weapon dmg by %. Not all events are meant to be finished. Sargon was an easy event to do and even complete. However, I do agree that the event should be over a 10 day time frame if so much farming is required.

    P.S. most payers in this game are quite rich or they won't be wasting their money.
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I'm glad someone has been reading my F2P rants for the past 2 years. :p
    Or you could just be referring to my most recent one. Now imagine what I'd have if I did pay... Scary!

    Not really, if you do them in order, you get back as many as you use each time so you spend 30, get 30, spend 10, get 10, spend 60, get 60, spend 100 get 100. So in reality, you need to farm a total of 100 but you will have 100 left when you're done the quest. This is just parts 1-4, haven't completed part 4 yet, but it is worth 100 to finish.
  10. nasowas

    nasowas Junior Expert

    Referring to his friend gameshortcut as far as heavy investment lol. Baragain has made it quite clear he's a F2P so calm your jets there. This is not the place to discuss 1h vs 2h, I have my opinion, you have yours. This is an event discussion. Now while I do not see any use personally for my characters as far as event rewards go, you may love the rewards. That is fine. My interest in the event is solely to see IF any amount of draken can be acquired and I have a suspicion that without heavy farming for main boss kill tokens or heavy spending buying tokens to kill it multiple times, the amount of draken available will be rather low.
    I'm not impressed with this event due to the fact it is all heavy farming dependent. And I'm speaking from a F2P perspective. it's a one sided P2P beneficial event as usual so excuse me if I don't get all excited about it lol. I do not plan on farming this event hours and hours a day, I have a real life so getting an emote or not getting an emote for me is not going to change my life at all.
    And since ToS says I do not own my characters and they can be taken away from me, I'm not going to waste real money on them to get an emote in some event. That's just silly.
  11. mr.trouble..

    mr.trouble.. Forum Greenhorn

    nice bp whit new event but again set made for war plz make set for mage and ranger to plz all set is almost made for war like the the set you can buy for 4000 andermant war get better resist against fire and the only chance a mage have to kill a war is to hit and run whit fire plz dont forget ranger and mage next time u make set make set for us so we have chance against war b.r troouble..

    BLASTUP Active Author

  13. George

    George Someday Author

    Does that mean no more sargon items??? Cause that is unfair, i only got to play 1 sargon event and i want whole set (armor)
  14. Slitrobo

    Slitrobo Forum Connoisseur

    I'm sure there will be new sets from future events that will be stronger than the Sargon set.
  15. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Pretty sure Sargon will return. Keep in mind that most people haven't finished the kill 1000x quest.

    But I agree with Slitrobo, there will likely be new items better than sargon's.
  16. nasowas

    nasowas Junior Expert

    Look for out dated event gear to be sold at Gnob or Shady John in the future. DSO already plans on selling the old witch set from new moon event, they have to offer the Sargon gear at one point if the events are done with. Well, have to and will are 2 different things but to make it fair for all players who did not get the complete Sargon set, it should be offered too then.
  17. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    How does 22 days sound!
    nasowas likes this.
  18. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    I don't think the Spider is a dropped item. I believe you have to get the 4 quest items to combine it, among them the pertified Jabbax hand(?) which requires you to collect 100 rusty keys. Long quest if you ask me, it's like a freaking mini PW. I would have been able to test this hypothesis had the quest not reset on me... I don't know what happened but it's like the whole event was reset recently, aside from the timer of course.
  19. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    If you read the quest, you use the Jabbex hand to get something special from Gnob the next time he visits.
  20. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    i hope the drop rate still good:)))
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