An English well developed and good guild

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by deathacceptor, Dec 4, 2013.

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  1. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    Im searching for an english , people who can understand what im saying :p im currently in guild where it is really hard for me to understand what they are talking about :p im lvl 45 ranger Q1 and Q2 done , Q3 and Q4 almost done and im a centurion :D full legendary and unique :) i hope i'll find a guild soon :) and btw im in heredur (server)
  2. nanc

    nanc Forum Greenhorn

    I just hooked up w Nobles of Duria! 1st guild I've been a member of. ENGLISH speaking. ;)
  3. nanc

    nanc Forum Greenhorn

  4. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    So how do i enter this guild
  5. Slitrobo

    Slitrobo Forum Connoisseur

    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  6. Torefas

    Torefas Padavan

    You can come to my guild. We speak english. Level 45 and 30 pvp required.
  7. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    Im a centurion with 30 fame almost a seasoned and my in game name is also deathacceptor invite me to your guild pls
  8. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    Thanks for the info :) but its an old post :/ how should i contact them now?
  9. Slitrobo

    Slitrobo Forum Connoisseur

    You should see if Torefa's offer is still available.

    The first one says to message Lordcoffee or Ladycoffee. If these players are still around you can search for their names in the social window.

    The second one doesn't give a contact but you might want to look for anyone with an Obsidian guild tag or message the people in that thread to see if they found an English guild too.
    deathacceptor likes this.
  10. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    its okay i found a guild its basically a pvp guild and the best part everyone understand english language and can reply in english too :D thank you so much for support though:)
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