DK running until time finished (Fair battles ?)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ~THE~LEGEND~, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. giangiomax

    giangiomax Someday Author

    yeah i know, i m not a bad runner ...but a badminnky :).
    PS: I can' t understand 1 thing.....if BP create regeneration items, velo items (not only boots), debuf, barriers in arena etc etc.....why not using them as a fighting-tactic......?
    While on the other hand....when some players use pots, ess, buffs....everything is ok...
    How much hypocrisy!
    "oh no it's him again " "don't have time to run after him " etc........when they are kind..... but they usually are not ....o_O
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
    thebearreturns and moby31 like this.
  2. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    Thumb up ;)
  3. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    I think if heal/regen (skills) should be removed in exhaustion mode.. it should be mana, steam and concentration regeneration too ;) would be nice to see what happen then...
    if rangers, mages and dwarfs can run away.. why can't do a war?..
  4. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    If DKs get OP regeneration skills why don't rangers and SWs? What kind of match is that when all DKs do is wait until everyone else dies? Didn't I tell you I had a TDM that lasted like 30+ minutes until the round turned into draws because 2 DKs fighting and both won't get exhausted to death.
    GamesShortCut likes this.
  5. Piipero

    Piipero Junior Expert

    So rangers could not shoot anymore when exhaustion comes? or shoot every 20s when they get adrenaline .... sounds reasonable :p
    I think it should be good if you just remove all the skill trees when exhaustion comes... no healing,no over powered things just plain skills :rolleyes:
  6. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    The major problems with PvP, as I see it, are the over-powerful mentor system and the twink-abusers.

    I feel like this is discussing the mosquito bite you got, while the bear is mauling you... o_O
  7. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    of course, but EVERYBODY without rage/mana/concentration/steam ... equal conditions :)
    and nightwalker, if wars have 2 healing skills other classes have alternative skills like attacking from distance.. what about removing then regeneration AND ranged attacks?.. :)
  8. Piipero

    Piipero Junior Expert

    no you are making things up here... warriors have the biggest protection gears and speed skills that's why others have ranged attack vs them not because you have healing skills... you are just making it that some classes cant attack all... but if so lets make that wars cannot hit at all coz they have highest armour :) or lets be reasonable and lets cut their running and attack speed by 50% so it's fair against rangers :D though im not big ranger fan myself either :D
  9. GamesShortCut

    GamesShortCut Exceptional Talent

    During exhausting round. Everyone must lose 15% of there live after 1 secs. To make sure that after at least 10 secs the match is over.

    Should be done really easy.
    tagedieb and AlexgramGR like this.
  10. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Hmm.. that's one case in which having 3k HP will be better than 10k. Because the 3k HP guy is being exhausted at 450 HP/s and the 10k HP guy at 1500 HP/s... BUT the 3k HP guy can restore all of his HP with 1 Pot, while the 10k HP guy can restore 65% at most.
  11. tagedieb

    tagedieb Advanced

    Why would you ever make exhaustion damage blockable/dependant on armor in the first place? That encourages people to flee and abuse this game mechanic to the point where running after these twats becomes more of a nuisance than a challenge.
    Make exhaustion unblockable and dependant on HP; an equal percentile for every class.

    People with 3k HP don't live to see exhaustion.
    GamesShortCut likes this.
  12. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Now that is just being unreasonable. Rangers, SWs, dwarfs came with range while DKs came with great armor. Do you ever see a SW, Ranger, SM without surprise chest box buff soloing Mortis? We do not have "ranged attacks" as a talent. We have it since we began the game. Sure, take away all skill tree talents and I would be perfectly fine with that.

    This is a better exhaustion than the one we have now! However, another problem is the DK will poke the SW or ranger and then keep running so that the SW/Ranger has 80% health while he has 90+% with regen skills ready. Also, this makes it easier for matches that weren't meant to exhaust people to death with a draw as 2 people fighting might end up dodging lots of opponent's attacks while ending with around the same hp. If one has like 7% hp while another has 13% they will both die in the same second. Maybe exhaustion can be 7.5% hp every 0.5 seconds.

    Exhaustion already works on a % based scale. I think it is around 3.4% right now per second (don't take my word for it). At level 45 with 30 knowledge tree, the only class that can have hp as low as 3k is SWs and SMs. A few hits and they're dead as tagedieb said.
    They really won't see exhaustion which would be a great way for DKs to actually try to attack.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2014
  13. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    You've never seen a speedy ranger, then. There is nothing you or any DK can do against that ranger intent on running away. The regeneration that DKs have would do nothing to help against 1500 HP degeneration. This gif comes to mind: [​IMG]

    Besides, it doesn't have to be 3k HP, but the closer to 3k the better. As that person could use the 3.2k Pot and heal more than 65% of their HP, whereas others with 6k or more could only(effectively) heal 65%. I get your point, but as you can see, it will never truly be fair. At this point it's a matter of whom to give advantage to, DKs or faster characters. (Rangers and Dwarves being fastest because of skills)
  14. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Dks that are using exhaustion now also have speed bonus. Adrenaline does give faster speed than furious battle cry, however, DKs have more movement skills like stun charge which is nearly instantaneous while blade dance is only as fast as walking when you have speed bonus and it costs more concentration. Also, I never said DKs had to chase the whole time, who said they can't retreat after they have more hp? Rangers trying to chase DKs will only get a smash in their face. About the potion problem, pots can be banned 1 minute before the exhaustion starts! :) That way, both players will have 1 minute to deal dmg to the other.

    Also, for this problem to be fixed completely, 20 seconds before exhaustion starts, all hp regenerating skills for any class will be disabled otherwise dwarfs and DKs will exhaust people to death anyways. This is to prevent them from using all their regen skills right before exhaustion starts to make the outcome same anyways. This way, even if they want to do it, there is still a 20 second gap and they will have to save up their skills for it. This should work as between the potion and disabling regeneration, there is still 40 seconds for DKs and SMs to spam their last regen skills and for opponent to try to dmg them despite the fact that they get extra hp from regen skills.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2014
  15. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    Rangers trying to chase DKs will only get a smash in their face... i don't think so.. rangers and mages don't need to pursue wars.. just shot them
  16. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    If I recall correctly, you said yourself you don't pvp a lot. Let me tell you something then. In 3v3 map, the barriers are long and the map is huge. The DKs run around and your arrows or fireballs won't ever hit them. If you call a guardian or wolves/wood wraith, the DK dragon hides and turns full hp.
  17. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I agree with that. If a Ranger calls in three wolves in PvP, especially during exhaustion, she might as well be committing suicide. I can heal up to full health in a few seconds on three wolves, and she'll hardly get any healing from those little nips her puppies give me with Dragonhide active. The Wood Wraith is probably a (slightly) better choice, since it is only one target to heal on and slows me down (even with Dragonhide active), but I'm probably still going to come out ahead in health in the end. Same with SW Guardian; not as bad as three wolves but not a great move, either, especially during exhaustion.
  18. GamesShortCut

    GamesShortCut Exceptional Talent

    So we all agree, that the exhausting rounds should end much more quickly right? ^^
    thebearreturns and Multi-Sev like this.
  19. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I think that would be for the best. Even though I am a DK with a 68.02% block rate and a 64.46% block amount, and I am in a very good position to take advantage of the current exhaustion mechanic, I don't like the "running man" tactic and I don't use it. I would rather fight, win or lose, than run and draw the battle out several minutes.
  20. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    I agree with your reply to my post, Nightwalker. The 3k HP thing could be easily prevented. But I think we are getting ahead of ourselves with the disabling of skills. Why make it so complicated? Remove this skill, and that, and this one, but if we remove this one we also have to remove that other one blah blah blah.

    I think the easiest thing would be to disable every effect that gear gives, during exhaustion. (someone said this in different words. I forgot who it was and I'm too lazy to look for it) As if to fight without any gear, or gems, or buff, or essence. A quick 'tie-breaker'. I consider the beginning of the exhaust to be the end of the match, and if both opponents are still alive, it is a tie.
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