Forum Contest [December] - Advent 3

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Biztart, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Rakorus watches as the sun dips behind the horizon, but the daylight still lingered in the air as though accidentally left behind.
    Grave likes this.
  2. Amend

    Amend Junior Expert

    From the hills Rakorus gazed out at the falling sun thinking of meaning of his dreams, feeling Erie wondering if it was a sign that war was coming. He stood up and started on the path back to Atlantis hoping it was just his imagination.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  3. *Man-In-Black*

    *Man-In-Black* Forum Apprentice

    There is a flash of lightening, the rolling boom of thunder and his vision clears to see the smoking remains of the Christmas tree and the figure of a Druid lowering his staff who says "You were becoming trapped in the evil dreams of the dark elves, which would ensnare you until death".
    Brian1919 likes this.
  4. Grave

    Grave Forum Apprentice

    Just as Rokorus was about to ask who the Druid was, the druid casted a spell and Rakorus fell asleep again.
  5. Ralph

    Ralph Someday Author

    Completely aware that he is in another dream he found himself in a dark forest surrounded by dead trees and by walking slightly ahead he caught sight of a huge abandoned castle out in the clearing.
  6. achen

    achen Forum Newbie

    Before he could do anything else, Rakorus woke up in a cave and found out that he is tied up.
  7. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    A flicker of candlelight allowed Rakorus to scan his surroundings and his eyes fell upon the druid who was facing away from him and mumbling to himself.
  8. *Man-In-Black*

    *Man-In-Black* Forum Apprentice

    Turning to him the druid explains, "I had to bind you for your own safety whilst I removed the last of the dark elves magic, it seems they are determined that you do not travel to Atlantis and discover the true meaning of Christmas from the Ancients who dwell there".
  9. Brian1919

    Brian1919 Junior Expert

    "Dark elves, you say? Time to send Norm to investigate!"
  10. Amend

    Amend Junior Expert

    Rakorus decides against sending norm, he must find the true meaning of Christmas from the great knowledge of the Ancients! He prepares for his journey and finds a special Amulet in his bag, then he remembers "This will protect you from andermagic and no evil sorcerer will hurt you" his father gave it to him when Rakorus was a young lad.
  11. Ralph

    Ralph Someday Author

    The Evil Druid tried to cast his nightmare spell on him again but because of the magic Amulet his father gave him it bounced off back to the Evil Druid.
  12. Brian1919

    Brian1919 Junior Expert

    The druid's hood was knocked back as he hit the ground cursing, revealing it to be none other than Norm himself, having been angered by being left all alone at the mouth of the volcano to fend for himself, he joined the Satyrs and plotted his sweet revenge on the crazy old wizard who couldn't even be bothered to remember Norm's real name.
  13. *Man-In-Black*

    *Man-In-Black* Forum Apprentice

    Rakorus is about to unleash a devastating spell, when a thought pops into his mind, Christmas is about peace and goodwill, so instead he lowers his staff and offers his hand in friendship, maybe all this has been a test from the Ancients.
  14. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Apparantely, Rakorus is clearly mistaken as the druid casted a spell and sent Rakorus out of the caves face first into the deep snow that has gathered from the continuous blizzards.
  15. *Man-In-Black*

    *Man-In-Black* Forum Apprentice

    Rakorus stands up and brushes the snow from his robe before turning to Norm and laughing says "It'll take a bit more than that to rile me boy", before casting a spell of Yule, which fills the air with different coloured snowflakes, which swirl in beautiful patterns to the ground.
  16. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    --- Grab a warm drink and watch the rainbow snow fall. Another round of storytelling has ended. ---​
  17. *Man-In-Black*

    *Man-In-Black* Forum Apprentice

    Nice picture :)
  18. Brian1919

    Brian1919 Junior Expert

    Goes well with the last entry to the story.
  19. Amend

    Amend Junior Expert

    What a Great way to wrap up the story, and good luck to everyone!
  20. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    Congratulations to our Advent 3 winners!


    A few of you have already won in the past few week, but please send in your contact details again so that you can be compensated in a timely manner.
    • User ID
    • Server
    • Character name
    All winners will get a 2000 andermant bonus and 1 person will also get a 1 week premium bonus. :)
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