Suggestions for Halloween costume 2014

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, Aug 6, 2014.

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  1. Damitha.DC47

    Damitha.DC47 Forum Greenhorn

    omg vampire lady ^_^


    check this out all simply and cool no pros with male or female can wear it like a ghost and run around hahahaha :D

    Last edited by moderator: Aug 8, 2014
    Ash, nasowas, VoulaAek1 and 2 others like this.
  2. shadow-whisper

    shadow-whisper Forum Mogul

  3. Tigraine-Mantear

    Tigraine-Mantear Someday Author

    Ooh I like the angel ideas.. The Morticia one would be like the Dark Mage surely?
    Steam is pretty awesome to.
  4. thebest11

    thebest11 Forum Apprentice

    awesome idea man:)
  5. Rod1912

    Rod1912 Forum Greenhorn

    I think the angel idea is cool, too. Since this is Halloween themed though, how about fallen angels?



    (Maybe do dark wings for female too)
  6. nasowas

    nasowas Junior Expert

    Like that simple floating ghost idea. That would be hilarious although I don't know how complicated it would be to create. The scarecrow idea was very good, simple and doable easily. Think a killer clown might be nice. Not really into the whole armored look ideas, but maybe a better demon costume than the burning one we have, something more formidable. Skeleton ideas are cool. Lots of possibilities.
  7. Skylin

    Skylin Forum Greenhorn

    wouldn't be anything like the dark mage costume, firstly this costume would have style and a waist line, dark mage costume is like wearing a black ghost sheet.


    What does angels have to do with halloween? Also I would just like to say I will be so disappointed if the costume for halloween turns out to be demonically possessed and darkly depressing instead of simply fun.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 9, 2014
  8. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    How about the clown from the movie 'It' (1990) with his sharp teeth and claws.

    Ash likes this.
  9. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    How about something jesterish or harlequininny.



    And then there's the greatest couple to come along since Morticia and Gomez.

    Though you may have some copyright issues with that last one. But you guys are smart enough to change it just enough to avoid that......right?
    Ash likes this.
  10. Dzavani

    Dzavani Forum Greenhorn

  11. TheOne16

    TheOne16 Forum Greenhorn

    Sorry guys, I got to go w/ my boy Freddy Krueger. It it would be a totally awesome costume for Halloween. And of course a lil something something for the females. I love how DSO put out that Micheal Jackson costume, thought that was cool. [​IMG][​IMG]
    imperius and Wyrwiflaka like this.
  12. Greekhell

    Greekhell Advanced

    Well people .... IT'S HALLOWEEN so lets have a viriety of wiches mummies monsters zombies phychos gosts and so on as a drop so anyone can be as creepy as he or she wants
  13. prakash1

    prakash1 Forum Apprentice


    How about this one guys something like this would be cool
    Alex_Thor and hoda2015 like this.
  14. Sangie

    Sangie Forum Apprentice

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Something similar to any of these
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2014
    Nyshen likes this.
  15. prakash1

    prakash1 Forum Apprentice

  16. Sangie

    Sangie Forum Apprentice

    Nyshen likes this.
  17. Spyke00

    Spyke00 Regular

  18. Sangie

    Sangie Forum Apprentice

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 11, 2014
    Dominik.Neppl and adi1190 like this.
  19. prakash1

    prakash1 Forum Apprentice

    adi1190 likes this.
  20. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    I won't be merging your consecutive posts anymore. It will be removed.
    There is a edit button. Use it.
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