I think potion should be banned in battle

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -DeathRaider-, Aug 20, 2014.

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Should potions be banned in battle?

  1. Yes

    33 vote(s)
  2. No

    40 vote(s)
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  1. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    I'm saying only in pvp, 1vs1/3vs3/5vs5/6vs6 potions should be banned .
  2. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    I bet your a person that uses potions a lot
  3. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    So what if he is? It's called intelligence or strategy. (Love using peoples own words against them.)

    You haven't adequately explained why potions should be banned from pvp play. Only told us your own sob story of how you can't beat players who are invincible, (Not sure you know the meaning of that word...but whatever.), who do use them. It's not like you can't use them too, so I still can't see how it's unfair to you or anyone else. Maybe, just maybe, your inability to beat them has nothing to do with them using the potions, and them using potions is just your excuse for why you lost.

    And before you go there, yes I have a premium account. No I don't pay any more than that into my characters. And yes I use potions when the need arises. It's what they are there for. Not anyone's fault but your own if you don't know how or when to use them effectively or are not able to beat others who do use them effectively.
    Serenthía and Bearer-of-Death like this.
  4. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    And i never said it was...you said it, not me.
    I simply used your argument against you.

    A lvl 13 farmed for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of GoP???
    And you guys call the others of "cheating" because they used a HP in battle???
    What do you call a player, that uses a lvl 45 to farm in maps +40???

    Its neither called "intelligence or strategy", its called "cheating".
    And this is why, you guys want to ban HP from the arena, to use your HP in maps +40 in case you get hit by a mob and there're no HP to farm for your lvl.

    It isn't the weak player that cheats, its the strong one.
    Instead of having "bot-software", now its a "living-bot".
    You guys are nothing more than "bot-users" and should be banned, like the others.
    Warlord, Strider and goe-spec like this.
  5. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant

    Now im not going to get too much involved in this discussion, but as far is i remember, U are playing a "Twink" -mage as well. In the lv-30´s if my memory serves me right.
    So, as far as i understand, U call people just like yourself cheaters. IMO there is absolutely no difference in a twink at lv 13 farming lv 40+maps with friends, or a twink in the 30´s playing PW with lv 45´s.

    I Just love when a twink reach lv 45 as marshall with insane high win/lose ratio, and then meets the endgame players who are able to kill them with no effort at all, becuz they don´t have uniques or other endgame gear.

    Twinking should be limited, give new players a chance to have fun in pvp.
  6. CemalRavage

    CemalRavage Junior Expert

    and how you now that i have lvl 50 gear ?:)
    and for your info , i still have lvl 43 gear on me , the majoriti of items are lvl 45 , but not a single one is more then lvl 45
  7. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi Hartvig,
    I don't know if someone can call my SW lvl 34 "twink", he has barely over a 1 million GoP, he is strong...but very weak in armor and health.

    Nope, first of all...my SW has been a Ardent Centurion since lvl 24, now he his lvl 34.
    3 or 4 months after the implementation of the GoP system, I never enter the arena again, only last week or so...I have enter a couple of battles just to see how strong or weak my opponents are.

    I don't use others to prevent the no xp gain or i wouldn't be a lvl 34 today.
    And all the GoP that my toon has, was from farming alone at lower map lvl's, not higher and it took me many, many months and hours to obtain those GoP.

    As for my low lvl toon, I created him 02/2013 for events only and not for the arena.
    I only enter the arena with him, because DSO is forcing me to lvl up, to obtain the daily bonus+quest and when he reaches lvl 8, I will stop battling.

    I don't play PvP, but i don't like strong player demanding that certain items should be removed to their selfish benefits to kill faster and easier weaker players.
    Yes, PvP should be fun, so if HP is removed, then so should be the GoP until lvl +30.

    Where did i stated that "you have lvl 50"???
    We are talking about low lvl, not lvl 45...HP makes no difference at that lvl, but then again i haven't played with my lvl 45 in the arena for more then 1.5 year, so i really wouldn't know exactly how much difference it would make.
    Warlord, Strider and goe-spec like this.
  8. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    Wow I'm amazed of your lack of knowledge. It is called farming. I helped him a lot get that glyphs and it isn't millions. At that low of lvl it's in the few thousands.
  9. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    My lack of knowledge!!! or are you trying to elude everyone else???
    A few thousand, you say!!! per item, you mean!!!

    Those "twink bullies" don't enter the arena with white or green items, its fully legendary and for that you need tens of thousands of GoP.

    Any improved item(except weapon/shield), need over 100K of GoP just to reach lvl 39, and none of those "twink bullies" use items below purple, some of them even have unique's from events, Dragan's, New/Full Moon upgraded with just a few GoP, yeah right!!!

    I hope that DSO bans everyone that used lvl 45 to obtain GoP for their low lvl toons, in my case...I have nothing to worry nor fear, because i never grouped up with +15 lvl players to fram or to play events.
    I always farmed at my lvl, Darbmoor+Grimmagstone for 1.5 years.

    How is that "lack of knowledge".
    All those who want ban HP, are the ones that can't kill a weaker, but experienced player and that makes you mad, even with all your upgrade items.

    Go and try to elude some else!!!
    Strider and goe-spec like this.
  10. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    Your kidding right, your just mad because they want to get strong. And he has been farming for 1 1/2 years. A lot of heredur. I helped so many times in fact, I know him personally. He is not rich and does not play a lot he just farms a couple of hours a day at most. Deal with it if you don't have the patience. And why would he get mad if he is just using the in game rules. Lvl 6+ makes you get no exp for a reason some people don't want to lvl up.
  11. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    Bearer of death what server do you play on, Agathon?
  12. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    I don't want to argue anymore we have our opinions.
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    My conclusion from above post is: Kill the twinks first. Ban them all!
    Then we will talk about fair fights. Twinks have no moral nor any other ability to speak about fair fights! Period! End of story!!
    Now ... if you want to talk about what is fair and what is not ... we should discuss only cap level players. Not some boring fights among level 13 twinks.
    So I am still staying on my answer: If you want to ban health potions ... ban essences and buffs too (manna/rage/conc./steam potions too).

    I see a lot of people screaming ban potions ... but always are high ... drugged up in the arena ... and never want to ban buffs and essences. :D
  14. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    Wow. The hypcrocy is strong in this one Obi-Wan. So it's okay to use the in game rules to keep a toon lvl 6, stack him up so he's more like a lvl 30+, just so he can pump up his ego defeating new players in the arena who are actual lvl 1-11s, (BTW dear that's called over compensation. Doesn't really make his thing any bigger.), but it's not okay to use the in game rules to drink a potion?

    See I'm still waiting for you to give a good reason as to why potions should be banned in the first place.

    And again before you go there I don't have a problem with your friend keeping his toon low lvl and stacking him up. I just don't think he should be able to fight actual lvl 1-11 toons in the arena, and should have to fight against toons who are closer to his actual lvl. But that's another topic , so enough said on that.
  15. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    Buffs and essence should be banned in arena, I agree with that.
  16. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hey -DeathRaider-,

    Do you even read my posts or do you simply look at certain words and go from there to build up whatever you're trying to prove here???

    I don't play PvP since 7/2013, only my low lvl toon, until he reach lvl 8.
    I don't really care for PvP, but i still will defend my "Brother-in-arms".

    Every "twink bullies" is ok with the ban of HP, buffs and ess, because they already have the upper-hand, using upgrade gear and they also don't need HP, because they have the onyx skull to regenerate health points inside the arena.

    Players that use others to upgrade or to obtain items from events don't deserve those GoP nor items, they are nothing more then leeches and make fun of weaker players, like they earned everything they have.

    They only won those battles, thanks to their high lvl friends and not by their own means or merits.

    All they want is to have the "Grand Field Marshal" title, before they reach +40, because they are unable to defeat anyone at that lvl and that is why they create a low lvl toon.

    When and if Rick, accepts my suggestion about restricting the group lvl, we will see no more of those "bullies", except the ones that spends real money.
    goe-spec likes this.
  17. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    Who is rick?
    The major spenders are at lvl 45 that is why lower lvls are made. Many lvl 45 spend like atleast 30k. So people make lower lvls, some people unlike you like pvp.
  18. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Rick Talrock = a Community Manager (CM)
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't think Rick is CM ... he is from Dev Team.
  20. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    That could be. They all have this [​IMG] for their avatar, so my ravaged brain sometimes gets confused ;) [ I may have been thinking of another one, like Greg, too - since they all look alike :D ]
    goe-spec likes this.
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