cant log in

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wirgutis0702.onelt, Sep 3, 2014.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello everyone, :(

    There are indeed some problems with Heredur at the moment - we have informed the game team and they are already working on fixing this as soon as possible.
    We apologize for this inconvenience and we will let you know as soon as we have an update.
    moby31 likes this.
  2. babaroga

    babaroga Someday Author

    ohhhs i was just farming glyphs :cool: 15 mins ago ,it started to lag and i then my character got ambushed and killed and the game could not reconnect :D
  3. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    thx for letting us know at least we know where we are
    going ....
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
  4. Rajko0503

    Rajko0503 Forum Greenhorn

    It's interesting how blind u must be... or is that policy that u have... not to answer to some big issue questions... for example our PREMIUM!!! :mad: every month u get a LOT of money from all of us but when it comes to giving something in return is like hitting a wall. if you do simple math for example: let say that every month you have 10000 players (and you certainly do, if not more) who pay 10€ for monthly premium that comes to 10000€ per month! and what do you do when we ask what will we get in return for not being able to play? one BIG FAT NOTHING! :mad::mad::mad: why? is it so hard? are u not allowed to? please tell us. make us understand. or u rly don't give a rats ass about us. as long as u have us regular paying customers and as long big fat check is coming every month u decided that is ok to do nothing... and then on the other hand u brag about how u added 5 more things on the map that can be destroyed! bcoz of what we couldn't log in for 5 hours... I'm not expecting any answer to this or any compensation coz i gave up on that just like many other players... at the end u will end up only with kids without money who will not be able to afford to pay you every month. only then u will maybe change something... Thank You
    mr.zoky and laggomundi like this.
  5. laggomundi

    laggomundi Forum Greenhorn

    it's back online for me now :)
  6. Rajko0503

    Rajko0503 Forum Greenhorn

    And now I see this on your web page: "Drakensang Online servers will not be available for a short time due to scheduled maintenance.

    You can find more information about the server maintenance, patches and hot fixes in the forum.

    We apologize for the inconvenience."
    what bloddy scheduled maintenance!?!?!? where was it announced? Somewhere on FB page between pictures of Halloween costumes!?!? ahmmm NO! Last update is on announcement of tomorrow's release 134 from 4-5PM and i have headache already coz i can imagine what will happen... HERE HERE our Heroes of Duria, release 134 is here! u waited for 5 hours but its worth while! Because we added 10 more, TEN more we say things and crap u can smash on maps! You will get nothing for waiting but don't forget to donate!
  7. Lucien

    Lucien Forum Apprentice

    Working again.
  8. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    The server is up and running again - you should all be able to login without any problems. If you experience further issues (but I strongly hope you don't), please contact our Customer Care Team. We apologize once again for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience during this unexpected downtime.

    Rajko0503, I am sorry to see your frustration and I apologize, but I don't see any question you might have posted that I have missed. :oops: Heredur started having connectivity issues about 2 hours ago and they have been promptly investigated and thankfully, fixed by the team, even if it's almost 11 pm in Germany at the moment - which should show that everyone does care about the problems that might occur. Please keep in mind that we, the moderators, are just volunteers who do our best to assist you and keep you informed, but there isn't much we can do apart from forwarding your feedback.

    ~ Closing thread as the issue has been resolved, for any further issues, please contact Support as advised. Thank you for your understanding. ~
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